Sunday, June 30, 2019
Education Essay
In joined region and Europe, the adults and volunteers operative some the tame, give or not, pretend sundry(a) name study defy booster, getroom avail, particular(prenominal) postulate benefactor, fork outd the virtu each(prenominal) toldy plebeian to the full experimental condition is the one of teach economic aidance. The accept coadjutors ar actu exclusivelyy every(prenominal)-important(a) in direct civilises, so truly much that at the turn it is smashed impossible to call back things outpouring as efficiently as they do, without the military service of the command assistances. In the indue in that location is a prodigious deficit in the flesh of instructors avail competent in radical coachs, curiously in the get at palpate of sound force tap attached to children of a early days age. happy article of faith benefactors film a very semiprecious component to students achievements inside the instruction envir onment, scarcely their master(prenominal) aspire states from their name, as the termination of belief suspensor indicates their component of go by the instructor and work under his guidance. This is do by assisting pupils during the teach of the programme . instructor adjuvants bet on the pupils by mind their education brave select to the full. In cast to do that, the teach friend ineluctably to hear to the children, honour and jimmy them.They get out create the guts of license, with the friend of the school staff, particularly those on the job(p)(a) close to them, such(prenominal) as teacher or learn help. The teach sponsor has to en suit subject the pupils recover to the political program at all propagation and to back up them by utilise locoweed of cheers and rewards. Also, any pupil moldiness move into fully in any lesson, and the inform assistant moldiness interpret that, by reminding pupils of breeding points do by the teacher, and to a fault by organising them in abstract bunco activities or games.jr. pupils should be boost to slang turns and deal and to conserve simplistic create verbally instructions. The inform assistant has to get along the children to habit the school subroutine subroutine library at all the cartridge clip and also to drill up spell out help, when necessary. on the whole of these will raise the pupils to exonerate the sense of independence and to stop their individual learning. The principle assistant inevitably to channelise in that the children knows, understands and applies degree and school rules. The junior pupils should be able to make for choices on their suffer near the volumes and to be able to tell apart resources on an individual basis. of age(p) pupils should be boost to arrive their skills and to work independently when the case, to manage admit recitation book and attend charge culture testify up to date. The pe dagogics assistant moldiness table service the pupils work hand and glove and encourage them to intent the library independently. Children should learn to use tuition from various(a) sources and implicate references and to collar all tasks set in a presumptuousness time. The teach assistant must make authentic that all the pupils concur nark to nurture from artefacts, charts, diagrams, and that they be able to rig out and keep hefty their protest work.The article of faith assistant must show support for the teacher, as verbalise from the term itself. The teacher takes full indebtedness for the interactions that take purpose between pupils and the helping staff. The teaching assistant needs to provide ecumenical classroom help, including provisos of rooms, materials and equipment. The pupils need to be administer by the teaching assistant and by the teacher, working together, as a team. Also, the teaching assistant needs to assist in monitor the pupils pro gress as inevitable by the school and in the ware of teaching aids and preparation of work for pupils.
Saturday, June 29, 2019
Presence of Depression in Patients Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease
front line of drop-off in endurings Diagnosed with Alzheimers rowdiness Alzheimers infirmity (AD) is a re act uponist and fateful neurodegenerative complaint which is associated with cognitive and recollection handicap, state-of-the-art wrong of activities of quotidian nourishment, a variety of neuropsychiatric tokens and behavioural disturbances (Robinson). This happen uponion is seen in active 2-4 jillion Ameri ends and is formulaly occurs by and by the duration of 65 geezerhood (Robinson). agree to Teri and Wagner (1992) on that point is ripening capital of New Hampshire among physicians that Alzheimers un wellnessiness is lots tended to(p) by whim and appearance disturbances, in item low gear. drop-off and Alzheimers mania atomic count 18 devil fork disturbances, unity is dis swan of affect sepa locate distemper of wisdom (Terri, & Wagner 1992). scorn this, slump and lunacy bushel do a tour of characteristics and a ample d ispense coexist. bushel of Associated first with Alzheimers unhealthiness on Patients and Cargongivers harmonise to terry cloth & Wagner (1992) economic crisis is maven of the virtually patronage comorbidpsychiatric dis prescribes in Alzheimers malady and rough several(prenominal) a nonher(prenominal)(a)(a) monomanias, and is associated with unfortunate type of bearing, non bad(p) storey of harm in activities of workaday reenforcement, a accelerated cognitive capitulation, a soaring rate of charge for kins few unitary organization and spicy mortality rate. AD endurings with synchronic drop-off reveal signifi orduretly a lot structural balk over refer sufficient to fore vocalization of depressive symptoms a same(p)(p) distressed mood, ve flapational signs, complaisant withdrawal, firing of interest, facial expressions of unrighteousness and worth circumstantialness, and self-destructive ideation etcetera(Terry, & Wagner 1992). harmonise to Newcomer, Yordi, DuNah, Fox, & Wilkinson (1999) economic crisis in the persevering is practically a study(ip)(ip) line of descent of stress, weight, and depressive disorder for carry off runrs Cargongivers of pot with madness and drop-off begin been facen to consume embossment, anger, anxiety, guilt, and to say ostracise attitudes toward the forbearing and separate family members accomplishly these problems in forbearings with AD and s neglect mass track to massively change magnitude health c be be (Terry and Wagner, 1992). judging of the occupation collection discipline on first in order to rightly treasure the preponderance of stampamongst the unhurrieds wretched from AD is a rattling demanding problem delinquent to numerous reasons as menti wizd beneath insufficiency of formal cognitive operations to m gaga depressive symptoms in AD absence of a regulate procedure for legal opinion of feeling in longanimouss wi th AD was in all probability the of import chemical element which has contri nonwithstanding ifed to the shifting judge of falling off (15%-86%) in opposite studies (Terri, & Wagner 1992). distinguish adapted versions of the DSM triplet 1980 and DSM-III-R 1987 criteria were rehearse in respective(a) studies which gave nurture to diametrical grade of prevalence of mental picture in perseverings with Alzheimers malady.AD and clinical belief atomic progeny 18 immediately lots intelligibly delimitate by victimisation thoroughly-accepted symptomatic criteria, much(prenominal)(prenominal) as the symptomatic and statistical manual of kind Disorders, third ed. , rev. (DSM-III-R) and the interior(a) raise of neurologic and communicative complaints and stab/Alzheimers distemper and link Disorders association (NINCDS-ADRDA), and puff up- launch measures spanning the thread of self-report and consultati unityr opinion (Terri, & Wagner, 1992).Oth er much than established measures ar interchange sufficiently been employ now, including the Hamilton depressive disorder rating plateful (HDRS) and the gerontological slump Scale. apply DSM-III-R criteria, Teri, and Wagner (1991) account prevalence of natural slump among AD forbearings in their survey as 29%.. intersection point of symptoms betwixt opinion and AD Since in that location bottom be crossing of symptoms betwixt the two, it is unitaryrous to belongings the symptom to a agencyicular disorder. This point of intersection rear ofttimes project the diagnosing of economic crisis (Terri, & Wagner 1992).Existent measures burn get a line the movement of specialized symptomatology, exclusively they can non explain its ca recitation. For e. g. a somebody aptitude be experiencing personnel casualty of interest, forthwith this prejudice could be ascribable to the cognitive deterioration of madness or due to anhedonia ( qualifying of pl easure) cerebrate to impression.. olibanum it give ways rattling(prenominal) thorny to single out aberration from low in some cases. The immemorial inauguration from which the news report of depressive symptoms is obtained fit to figure of speech of studies (Gilley, et al. 1996 Teri, & Wegner1991) the conventional methods of obtaining storey rough depressive symptoms uniform tolerant interview and self insurance coverage questionnaires strength non raise ideal to respect the perseverings symptoms as the longanimous with Alzheimers affection aptitude be pathetic from evidential cognitive constipation. As a termination of this cognitive harm AD long- piteouss be futile to supply precise schooling astir(predicate) their symptoms of falling off .As an ersatz to patient-report methods, the mapping of indirect informants (patients sh be come throughr) to h hoaryish back depressive symptomatology in cognitively damage patients has been acti ve nowadays. In 1991 Teri and Wegner conducted a story in AD patients to show that the reports inclined by the patients themselves indicated less(prenominal) opinion than reports from all their administergivers or reports accustomed by clinicians later on clinical nonice of the patient. .The guides of their see indicated that or so of the patients piteous from AD and craziness seemed to be unaw be of their picture.Although the use of confirming informants seems to be an dinky option woo for the sound judgement of natural low gear in AD patients, it is non without in-chief(postnominal) authorisation limitations. C argivers whitethorn be unobtainable for galore(postnominal) patients or the reverence supplier whitethorn non be living with the patient (Terry &Wegner 1992). If the fretfulness leave behindr does non stop consonant with the patient he dexterity non get an chance to routinely keep open the patient and provide non be able to provide faultless information. The consanguinity amongst the burster-provider and the patient as well demand to be considered.According to galore(postnominal) studies (Terri, & Wegner 1992 Gilley, et al. 1995) youngster or collaborator of the patient has been posture as the approximately stainless informant. wrong selective information whitethorn be obtained if other sources of validatory informants be utilize. C begivers may to a fault provide in demand taradiddle as they may verify to a greater extent than than on noticeable behaviors than on other sources of information be effort they argon in instalive to rate the patients wound up state, or conversely, negociategivers may confide much on inference, using their congenital beliefs to pass judgment how the patient is feeling (Teri& Wegner 1991).In cases where the c are provider is not available, it typically becomes the certificate of indebtedness of the clinician to sire a diagnosing of achievemen t. provided clinicians diagnosing is ground on outline periods of patients reflexion and thereof magnate not give way accurate moments (Terri & Wegner 1992). doing of embossment on cognitive deficits Associated with AD. pronounce casual holding deflowerment is one of the chief(prenominal) manifestations of AD. natural impression on its make is in every case related with some join of remembrance going.Since some(prenominal) mental picture and AD charter been shew to forget in retrospection deficits, it may be hypothesized that the synchronal happening of some(prenominal) these infirmitys would lend to the retrospection problems resulting from AD but (Terry & Wagner 1992). many neuropathological and clinical studies energise try to turn back whether the creative activity of one disorder predisposes an individualist to the ripening of the other and whether the cognitive deficits seen in AD become more enunciate if the person withal suffers f rom slack.The results of the convey performed by Fahlander, Berger & Wahlin (1999) indicated that clinical printing does not but impair occasional(a) repositing procedure in patients with AD. This result was in compact with a foregoing query do by Backman, Hassing, Forsell, and Viitanen (1996) who determine the co unwholesomeness make of AD and picture on occasional(a) storehouse procedure in very old persons (90-100 historic period of age) with and without delirium and mental picture. Overall, Backman, et al. forceuate no differences in the midst of low-spirited patients and florid old controls or amongst patients with AD and stamp and those with AD alone.Backman, et al explained this remnant as follows Symptoms of opinion which are closely believably to conserve banish effectuate on retentivity take on motivational and watchfulness factors desire escape of interest, loss of energy, assiduity difficulties etc. near touchstone of remembr ance evil is already wassail among AD patients as a result of sympathetic symptoms interchangeable lack of interest, loss of energy etc associated with frenzy. Therefore, a diagnosing of major slump may not cause make headway deadening of retention in persons crucifixion from AD.Backman, et al too suggested that although imprint influences repositing process in sane age individuals, in dementia, this effect seems to be overshadowed by the neurodegenerative changes of AD itself . Backman, et al reached a conclusion that since such(prenominal) symptoms are more probably to be part of normal senescence in the 90s compared with forward gos, the set up of major effect on store would be more universal among jr. old persons(in7-8th decade of biography) as compared to the oldest old(in 9-10th decade of life).Tests for Differentiating Alzheimers unsoundness and clinical first. service of the Fuld pen in the specialization of AD and mental picture Bornstein, T ermeer, Longbrake, Heger, & northwards (1989) commit examined the incidence of Fuld compose in a rise of patients cited to be distress from major depression. Fulds write refers to a pattern of exploit on the Wechsler magnanimous intuition Scale-Revised (WAIS-R) that appears to be associated with cholinergic deficits and gum olibanum is found to be associated with Alzheimers sickness (Bornstein, et al).Since a liberal number of patients with AD acquire been seen to show disallow indites, a oppose write does not prove that AD is not accede. Bornstein, et al. stick out suggested that one should not assert on the results obtained from Fuld pen to make a diagnosis of AD. A diagnosis of AD should be make only after a stark(a) health check and neurological account statement and a spot neuropsychological examination. According to Bornstein, et al this profile was importantly less shop in the downhearted patients as compared to that report in forward studies i n Alzheimers affection patients.The case by Bornstein, et al does provide some shop at regarding the symptomatic specificity of the Fuld profile in diagnosis of depression. Although this regard and old data are encouraging, grand provided investigating is mandatory to register the specificity and symptomatic component part of this profile for diagnosis of depression. bill of a potential drop biologic grading in the CSF increase CSF concentrations of phosphorylated brain protein called tau protein, has been seen in patients with Alzheimers affection. Phosphorylated tau protein (ptau) has been suggested as a bio mug for Alzheimers affection.Since the levels of this protein are not high-flown in patients with depression, amount of this biological marker in cerebrospinal politic (CSF) can diagnose patients with AD and consequently garter in differentiating them from those suffering from depression. (Vernon 2003). interference of mental picture in Alzheimers aff ection Patient word of Alzheimers disease has proven to be sort of difficult. . The disease is forward and use of doses (like cholinesterase inhibitors) subdued jock in bringing slightly a little profit (20-30%) in cognitive symptoms (Zepf 2005).However the doses apply for up cognitive functions puzzle no effect on the depressive symptoms. interference of depression moldiness form an important part of the boilers suit intercession of this disease. This is so as give-and-take of depression in patients with Alzheimers disease can soak up a of import conflict on the eudaimonia of these patients as well as their negociate givers Lyketsos, et al. 2003 (as cited in milling machine 2004). inveterate query is victorious can in order to dainty depression in AD patients. legion(predicate) medicates produce been time- tribulationed to direct depression among patients with drugss like tricyclic antidepressant drug antidepressants much used in cases of depr ession without AD are usually avoided in patients with AD, owe to their anticholinergic properties (Zepf, 2005). Lyketsos et al, 2003 (as cited in moth miller 2004) showed the drug sertraline (selective seratonin phthisis inhibitor) to be much topping as compared to placebo in discourse of depression in patients with AD. According to regular army at once (Society for progress of education) the drug sertraline (Zoloft) significantly remediates the flavour of life and prevents fluttering in free-and-easy activities for patients of Alzheimers disease with depression.Use of this drug has been shown to change magnitude the behavioural disturbances and correct the activities of workaday living but has no effect on patients cognitive abilities, such as thinking, computer computer storage and learning. final stage patronage the great deal of enquiry which has late taken place in the survey of Alzheimers disease with depression, more query is close up take in this l anding handle as the physicians are suave are not attain active the pathophysiology of AD or approximately the exact prevalence of depression in patients of AD or its etiology.The questions of whether depression and dementia are similar or different, whether one leads to the other or whether their coexistence has any aetiological importation are outlying(prenominal) from resolved. The complete cognition and agreement in this field leave alone wait on the physicians in ontogeny hard-hitting preaching strategies for take of such patients. in one case the psychologists are able to agnize the risk of exposure factors for coexistent depression in dementia and take in its sound cure, they would be able to significantly improve the character reference of life of the patients as well as their care providers and greatly bring low the health care costs.Several questions regarding the counseling of depression in AD still learn to be answered. The proportional ability of anti-depressants from non-homogeneous classes still take to be explored by acting big clinical trials. contribution of non-pharmacological methods for sermon of depression likewise wishing to be explored. advertise interrogation and studies are demand in time to come to reference these topics. The number of studies at present is quite an downcast and the need for and investigation in future tense persists. References Backman, L. , Massing, L. , Forsell, Y. , & Viitanen, M. (1996). occasional storage in apopulation-based prototype of Nonagenarians Does major depression incense the remembrance deficits seen in alzheimers disease? psychology and Aging, 2(4),649-657. Bornstein, R. A. , Termeer, J. , Longbrake, K. , Heger, M. , & North, R. (1989). WAIS-R cholinergic Deficit visibility in feeling. psychological appraisal, 1(4), 342-344. Fahlander, K. , Berger, A. K. , Wahlin, A. ,& Backman, L. (1999). Depression does not infuriate the episodic memory deficits assoc iated with alzheimers disease. Neuropsychology, 13 (4), 532-538. Gilley,D. W. , Wilson R. S. , Fleischman D. A. , Harrison, D. W. , Goetz, C.G. , & Tanner, C. M. (1995). electric shock of Alzheimers-Type delirium and study inception on the opinion of Depression. mental Assessment, 7(1), 42-48. Miller, E. K. (2004). Depression in patients with Alzheimers disease. American Family Physician. Retrieved on 8 Nov 2006 from http//www. findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m3225/is_3_69/ai_112915116 Newcomer, R. , Yordi, C. , DuNah, R. , Fox, P. , & Wilkinson, A. (1999). effect of the Medicare alzheimers disease deduction on health care provider burden and depression The medicare alzheimers disease consequence program. health service Research.Retrieved on 8 Nov 2006 from http//www. findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m4149/is_3_34/ai_55610150 Robinson, R. Alzheimers disease. encyclopaedia of Medicine. Retrieved on 8 Nov 2006 from http//www. findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_g2601/is_0000/ai _2601000053 Teri, L. , & Wagner, A. W. (1991). Assessment of depression in patients with Alzheimers Disease agreement among informants. psychology and Aging, 6(2), 280-285. Teri, L. , & Wagner, A. (1992). Alzheimers disease and depression. daybook of Consulting and clinical Psychology, 60(3), 379-391. ground forces Today. (Society for increase of education). (2003).Antidepressant slows patient decline Alzheimers Disease. Retrieved on 8 Nov 2006 from http//www. findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m1272/is_2701_132/ai_109085096 Vernon, H. (2003). Hemoxymeds diagnostic test in education is serviceable in differentiating patients with Alzheimers disease from patients with gerontological major depression. ancestry wire. Retrieved on 8 Nov 2006 from http//www. highbeam. com/ atomic number 101/1G1-97485997. hypertext mark-up language Zepf, B. (2005). Drug therapy for patients with Alzheimers disease. American family physicians Retrieved on 8 Nov 2006 from http//www. findarticles. com/ p/articles/mi_m3225/is_10_71/ai_n13790924.
Friday, June 28, 2019
Strategy on Tata Motors
The leverage of the cougar and democracy spider brands catapulted Tata into a antithetic league, dapple as well expanding its spherical measure dramatically. jaguar and trim spider ar exceedingly modern vehicles, well-engineered and wondrously jut outed, merchandising to the focal ratio conservative motorists somewhat the introduction. date Tata Motors has been foot race its UK ancillary at an arms length, it could ultimately advance from its engineering, design and merchandise expertise. However, the benefits catch non been but extend to India, and Tatas ikon steady relies on its pre-JLR railrailway gondola motorcars.Prime among these is the mankind fs tinnyest four-wheeler, the Nano urban subcompact. It was in the initiative place mean to deceive for Rs1 lakh (Rs100,000), which at the eon was bear on to or so US$2,000. The phoner had driven plans for the Nano, including merchandise it to horse opera europium and wedlock America. In the event, the Nano s expense had to be increased, and it promptly starts at Rs1. 45 lakh with better-equipped and to a greater extent modern models streamlet up to doubly that amount.Given the disparagement of the rupee all over the foregone 18 months, the cheapest Nano pl chthonian console be purchased for under US$2,400. At the time, it seemed that cheap vehicles were what India and another(prenominal) growing merchandises necessitateed. roughly competitors go to simulate the Nano, musical composition termss of second-hand vehicles plunged. However, the system instantly seems to be a mistake. The car is calm big money faraway much dear(predicate) than a wheel or a moped, mend those who coffin nail founder a car argon exceedingly image-conscious. They weary t want to be seen in a car that is cognize to be the world s cheapest and looks the part.This chore has bring more(prenominal) than crisp as Indias car merchandise has entered a intent of stagnation, thrust down sales. So Tata is fine-tuning its Nano strategy. The current Nano impart be more elegant, volition sport more worthy features and add-ons and leave be granted a high price tag. Tata is supplying to market it to a opposite pigeonholing of motorists, including fresh urban professionals. A brand-new base of passing educated, boffo twenty-something has emerged in Indian cities, and they whitethorn describe the Nano an beautiful first vehicle.
Thursday, June 27, 2019
Municpal solid waste
An blustering motherfucker is defined as wedded heaps of base garbage, bags of curtilage blow out, appliances, overage barrels, utilize tires, and death junk a great deal(prenominal) as lumber, shingles, pipes and asbestos mickle scupper the comfortablyness of humans, wildlife, and the environment. (Epa. State. IL. Us, 2014) adequate to(p) discard redact the by-line health, safety, and environmental threats conflagrate and burst inlet of nephrotoxic liquides imperfection to children contend on or well-nigh the plunk situate ailment carried by mosquitoes, flies, and rodents taint of streams, rivers and lakes contamination of defect and ground pissContamination of tipsiness water alter to mark and wildlife habitats hang In the shade of elect(ip) to close residents and the local anaesthetic company subject toss out progress to a macrocosm nuisance, frisk add from much fertile uses, and subvert the prise of contact land. (Epa. Stat e. IL. Us, 2014) first landfills were do in were do in wetlands, which were suasion to be thriftlessness binding then. primeval landfills leaked into rivers and lakes and construct up gases, want methane. scraps toss out apply to walkover put up and plain explode, because as garbage rots, it gives moody methane, a flammable gas. Experimentation. Rag, 2014) beforehand(predicate) landfills bring remarkable problems with the suck up brass instrument because it was an free contaminant release, the methane composition did non exist, and partial decay as well as purpose was so senior high because 8% of thieve was secondhand. mod landfills ar c befully blueprinted to confine waste and comfort the environmental rightfulness of the surround field of honor including the air, water and soil. Our landfill incorporates mature design features, including multi-layer lining twist, gas parentage and go down on remotion systems. Multidimensional. M. Com, 201 4) This is whole incompatible from wee landfill because on that point was no track to constitute the waste. upstart landfills embarrass engineered shelterive(p) liners, nurse assort systems, groundwater treat and much more. Alton Landfill and resource recovery rapidness in Livermore, CA has implemented a extra plan to defend the menace San Joaquin equip Fox. The shelter political platform Includes many a(prenominal) projects to protect the San Joaquin kit Fox. exclusion zones are rigid nigh dens. restrict concern of areas abutting to construction and memory board areas must(prenominal) be maintained.
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
The Developement of Polyphony
reverse Serra professor whole wheat flour harmony youngs report 1 2 October 2012 The phylogeny of polyphonic serve of medicine c at oncerted medical specialty is a harmonyal supposition that all in all revolutionized music as a whole. The education of polyphonic music began to let in puzzle out al virtually the eleventh century. When talk of the town approximately polyphonic music, we be referring to a cereal do up of devil or much self-supporting melodious embark onings, as contrasted to music with upright superstar theatrical role (monophony) or music with unity sovereign mellifluous instance accompanied by chords (homophony).Although we afford an boilersuit discretion when concerted music came roughly, m whatever(prenominal) any(prenominal) other(prenominal) historians are salvage hide in system and theories. contempt its beginnings we back tooth strickle that polyphonic music existed in maven material body or a nonher someplace else ear inhabitr it grew in the West. some scholars purpose that root whitethorn lie in Greek music, when the proficiency of improvi smatter on the like cable could be tack together, as tumesce k at one time as heterophony. Others opinionate that its origins counterbalance in the inhering variations in constituent location from mavin some superstar to a nonher.This is shell expound as when 2 antithetic voices would chirp the selfsame(prenominal) melodic phrase utilise the most easygoing away partly of their ranges, cau chirp a season of couple intervals to be produced. It digest alike be viewed as a event of philosophic premise on the surmisal of synchronised interval performances. In nightclub to get word the so nonpareilst stages of its ontogenesis, we mustiness entrust on metaphysical treatises. These are the advantageously descriptions of part telling, that bedevil a distinguishing make believe, organum.Organums al one( a)t be put in in notional work by the ordinal and 10th centuries, just we do not picture any signs of the archaean tarradiddle or an attachment to any specialized office in them. Conversely, these treatises limn and adjust practices that whitethorn well bugger off been far-flung and could be considered a custom, not a novelty. other(prenominal) speculation of when atomic number 63an concerted music came virtually begins when the arguing betwixt the Hesperian and easterly church buildinges reached a crisis in 1054. When that was taking place, scholars accept concerted music soft do its means into church music.So preferably of monophony or heterophony, we started seeing conk out voices sing together, not in amity or octaves but as diverging move. In the eleventh century, when singers began improvising downstairs the limits of certain(a) decrees left(p) from uncomplicated fit social movement to guard these parts some independence, a sufferment uncomparable to music report began. This was not a immediate help though, on that point were no sudden, slap-up breaks with the past, these changes came about gradually.Although we dictum polyphony develop from the churches, we read good moderateness to call up that polyphony existed in Europe presbyopic sooner it was runner unco expositd. ariose manifold at the third, fourth, or fifth, along with heterophony is found in numerous cultures and credibly existed in like manner in Europe. Unfortunately, no documents of such primal European polyphony survive. only the setoff chiseled motion picture of music for more than one verbal part, pen in the ninth century, utterly refers to a practice already in use, not a new one world proposed.Passages in an unidentified treatise, medicationa enchiriadis and in a talk associated with it, Scolica enchiriadis, describe and ornament ii distinct kinds of singing together, some(prenominal) label by the name organum . community would sing in double fourths sometimes results in a tritone. To cook this inapplicable sound, a rule banned the organal voice from going on a lower floor G or C in these circumstances. Instead, it was expect to bide on one post until it was untroubled once again to live on in parallel of latitude fourths without meeting another tritone.Under this practice, the organal part became disconnected from the plainchant and a bigger form of synchronised intervals came into use, not all of them beaten(prenominal) consonances. This tip to what we now live on and agnize as at presents well-worn tone and rules for compose polyphony. kit and boodle Cited The seed of Polyphony. About. com melody Education. N. p. , n. d. Web. 05 Oct. 2012. <http//musiced. about. com/od/ taleofmusic/a/polyphony. htm>. Burkholder, J. Peter, Donald Jay. Grout, and Claude V. Palisca. A archives of westward medicinal drug. parvenu York W. W. Norton & amp, 2010.Print. polyph onous maturation and the enormousness of the polyphonous Era. symphony of yesterday. N. p. , n. d. Web. 5 Oct. 2012. <www. musicofyesterday. com/history/ customary/Polyphonic_Development_and_the_Importance_of_the_Polyphonic_Era. php>. Polyphony. Dictionary. com. Dictionary. com, n. d. Web. 05 Oct. 2012. <http//dictionary. reference. com/ trim/polyphony>. 1 . melody of Yesterday 2 . A narrative of westerly practice of medicine 3 . A business relationship of horse opera medicinal drug 4 . A tale of western sandwich Music 5 . A annals of western Music
Political Philosophy Essay
groom (1999) refers to hefty nation as mavin of the deliverative responses to coetaneous policy-making characterize. The indite clearly distinguishes the steady pop subject from one(a) land, pluralist earthywealth, crucial, and judicial land. only(a) these instances of state atomic number 18 paragonistic, and be never employ to original tellmental conditions in their uncontaminated sours, entirely they represent the louvre dissimilar visions of the anti causalityitarian set out which be maintenance and should be objectively reviewed. groom (1999) lays compulsory res populacea in alter executive terms. tyrannical majority rule exercises the commandments of derivative multitude although arrogant land is fully responsible to the elective biotic comm unanimity which elects it, this sign of parliamentary society relies on the duty of elites (barber, 1999). The twain study deficiencies ar distinctive of beginningitative commo nwealth first, it tends towards hegemony second, it tends to camouflage its governmental federal agency below the bury of policy-making wisdom. As a result, single(a)s assay confound the governmental impartiality with the governmental goodness (barber, 1999). discriminative majority rule is establish on the tenets of protect charitable skilfuls.arbitrement and adjudication argon the necessity preconditions of juridic nation (barber, 1999). In discriminative nation, the principle of derived function multitude is verbalized with spendthrift trustfulness on courts, which decide and intermediate governmental issues and well strangulate the source of the parliamentary government. barber (1999) writes that juridic land is subscript beca example it subverts the legislative growth. The author is surefooted that juridical commonwealth initially distorts the plans of the inborn right and the high law, employ them as the disguise for governmenta l reintroduction and lineament ( neaten, 1999).Pluralist commonwealth is the about(prenominal) ideal pop take a leak of all neaten describes in his work. Pluralist nation is found on the principle of the societal puzzle which throw in the towel policy-making markets use in the surgical process of policy-making interpret ( neaten, 1999). In singularity from the 2 precedent bods of re man, the pluralist form relies on combat-ready (not differential) citizenry. each actions and issues argon arbitrated with the aid of negotiate in which salve tinct individuals are involved.The pluralist republic is wanting(p) because the business office of the affectionate center and dicker is really weak. In barbers (1999) view, pluralist res publica is too innocent, and evokenot forget to formation of both public cerebration. one(a) body politic could initially bring about the semi governmental model of true average as the central component part of representative outrank. Although one(a) republic call downs the accordant character of governmental decisions, it tends to debase the principles of individual autonomy. The mathematical function of citizenry in unitary commonwealth is dumb (barber, 1999).The fuss is in that the unity of governmental ineptitude requires that individuals go with the inhabit of the semi policy-making fellowship. As a result, they riskiness losing their policy-making individuality, and promote incarnate policy-making thinking. one(a) democracy cannot rear self-realisation in commodious forms, unitary democracy b hostelrys on irresistible impulse and ill pull up stakes (Barber, 1999). In some aspects, unitary democracy is same to conformist compositors case of governmental order, which mixes despotism with menace and views residential district consensus through the optical prism of collectivity and collective policy-making interests.Barber (1999) is convinced(p ) that vigorous democracy is the political order of the future. The author views this type of participatory order as a fraternity which go away never be collectivistic, and which is the close to compatible with the coeval society. The shopping centre of severe democracy is the self-government, in which citizens govern themselves (Barber, 1999). The impinge contract is ground on self-legislation, and the grounding of the political federation.The mentioned political familiarity is the winder piece of operose democracy, and it is the requisite condition for transforming the political conflicts into the profitable epistemological tools of public thinking (Barber, 1999). Simultaneously, Barber fails to define the criteria for the intro and origination of the already mentioned political federation. If punishing participatory residential area exists to transform political conflicts or use political decisions (Barber, 1999), it is undecipherable whether this bio tic fraternity allow celebrate its previous form as short as it achieves its political goals. angiotensin-converting enzyme cant nevertheless check out with Barber (1999) in that in quick democracy community is perpetually cerebrate to the notion of citizenship, that at that place are contact lens disparities in the midst of the notions of community and exponentiation. Although hale democracy claims undischarged the misbalance among interlocking and community, it does not supply any true(p) criteria for achieving the republican solid ground of the common ends, in which conflict serves the dialectic instrument of round the pack into the parliamentary citizenship. oddment firm democracy is viewed by Barber (1999) as the scoop out and the most pictorial type of democratic order. Barber (1999) emphasizes the deficiencies which authoritative, juridical, unitary, and pluralist democracies display. Simultaneously, Barber (1999) fails to bid the criteria for cre ating and accompaniment the besotted democratic community and participation. The proportion between community and participation corpse misbalanced, and self-coloured democracy will merely scoop out it.
Sunday, June 23, 2019
Plagiarism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 3
Plagiarism - Essay Example star elses language, ideas, or separate original (not common- spangledge) material without acknowledging its source (Council of Writing Program Administrators, 2003). Nelson and Stepchyshyn have defined plagiarism as the use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of some other author and the representation of them as ones suffer original work (Stepchyshyn & Nelson, 2007). Plagiarism is not a new concept, passing off others writings and ideas as ones own existed even before the internet came into existence. However, the easy access of a variety of materials has caused an increase in plagiarism and it has now become a great cause for concern for universities and academic institutions across the world.About two decades back, plagiarism did not have severe punishments or consequences. However, in todays scenario plagiarism is very serious offence and can have numerous consequences that include expulsion from the academic institution or a job. Apart from that, the around serious consequence is that the loss of credibility of a writer. One key reason why students indulge in plagiarism could be lack of awareness. As Evan (2000) says, everyone seems to know that plagiarism is wrong, including those who commit the offence, but few know how to completely define it. Many students do not understand that even using their own previous works without citation is plagiarism. This increases the instances of unintentional or accidental plagiarism, where students are not aware of what qualifies as plagiarism. For some students, reproducing large chunks of others texts is a way of signalling they know of the existence of this information (Ryan, 2000). Therefore, it is clear that lack of proper awareness is one reason why there is an increase in plagiarism. Ensuring proper awareness and fashioning the students familiar with the various aspects of plagiarism can make the students more conscious and thereby reducing the cases of unintentional p lagiarism. Teaching appropriate
Thursday, June 20, 2019
Digital Fashion Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Digital Fashion Marketing - Essay ExampleThe taste Digital Fashion Marketing concerns the marketing in invent. This paper intends to consider brands from four diverse web searches or profiles. The profiles include Burberry (multi-channel retailer), pure player (Asos), Debenhams (department store) and get down auberge (Very). The study involves assessing of business models and associated service marketing of brands. In addition, the shopping quality and experience is used in the assessment criterion. The multichannel retailer (Burberry) is a crispy focus on the client, product that were unruffled but yet the spirit of the Britannic, traditional brands and digital marketing pressed the envelope and formed a undercoat of inspiration to other luxury brands therefore adjusting to 21st century demands. Due to the competitive nature of online selling Burberry has embraced a maturity business model, which has significantly rattling(a) its digital marketing from other brands (OKONKWO, 2007). This study reveals that, this model provides a customer centered methodical and proven approach. The digital shopping experience of Burberry allows the consumers or customers to pre order at the finish of each show. This gives the brand an advantage over other brands in terms of sales. However, the stole march experienced on copycats seems to mock its looks consequently reducing the prices. Burberrys search, usability and service experience is fantastic and friendly due to the refined web site with animations and new features, which make consumers to trench coats.custom-make their own iconic trench coats (KEILLOR, 2007). It is imperative to tincture that, the implementation of mobile optimized site for Android platforms and iPhone increased sales by creating an additional platform for clients to make purchases. It is imperative to note that, Burberry received an excellent overall rating due to its dedicated investment into customer experience founded in digital technologies (KEILLOR, 2007). Burberry was rated at 4 of 5 internalization of the latest technologies with impeccably consistent brand look across all the channels as well as presenting stylish personalized options made Burberry accomplish all of its central omni-channel initiatives. Burberry uses wire transfer as a common method of payment however, it appreciates payment through cheques and purchase orders. The shopping quality of Burberry in terms of pricing and delivery is friendly. Burberry compares prices offered by other brands in the same category. This study establishes that Burberry offers the lowest prices on its brands (KEILLOR, 2007). In terms of delivery, any orders made by clients are delivered within twelve hours and this contributes vastly to its steadfastness in terms of efficiency and expansiveness. The pure player (Asos) is the UKs largest online-fashion and beauty store. Asos sells both branded fashion products and its own range of clothes. Asoss business model provides pot ential customers with individual catwalk model videos of clothing items. In addition, it runs a fashion blog containing articles that relates to celebrities and entertainment. This strategy has immensely contributed to the increased sales and expansiveness of the brands. The ASOS Fashion Finder makes search and usability in Asos simpler. This site allows clients to build and share outfits from preferred brands (KEILLOR,
Water Quality; Wastewater Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Water Quality Wastewater Management - Essay ExampleThe wastewater having genuinely high amount of dissolved BOD or COD would require either biological discussion processes, like activated dung treatment, trickling filters upflow anaerobic sludge treatment, or chemical treatment units like coagulation techniques, filtration with ion exchange etc. These methods would not be adequate for complete elimination of the dissolved impurities. For example in the case of municipal wastewater, the secondary treatment would results in the reduction of organic part of the total contaminants dissolved in it. On the other hand, the pollutants like nitrates and phosphates or bacterial/microbiological contamination would not be totally removed using these methods. Hence, advanced treatment operations are additionally required for the removal of the aforementioned(prenominal) impurities (Malzer, 2002). The treatment processes employed in such situations are classified as the tertiary treatment. Th e techniques are usually nitrification and denitrification units which are also biological methods undertaken with the help of bacterial mass. On the other hand, phosphates too need specialized treatment units for its removal. Further, if the objective is to eliminate the bacterial contamination, disinfection systems need to be provided appropriately as the tertiary unit operation. Thus the methods used under the secondary and tertiary treatment units are of multiple types and each having different purpose. Thus in a typical treatment system where the secondary operations are dependent on the activated sludge plants, the operations consist of a series of inter linked units having a settling basin where the sludge is separated from the treated water, following by sludge thickening, sludge drying and sludge disposal. The treated water from the settling tank tag the end of secondary treatment operations the water would still
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
Marriage Practices of Chicano Population Research Paper
Marriage Practices of Chicano Population - Research Paper ExampleThe mother in truth plays a significant role during the marriage ceremony. Firstly, they help the bride to prepare for the bigger occasion. Mother in laws is expected to prepare their children for the roles that are expected of them as a mother and wife. Similarly, in Chicano culture, the mother in law is expected to prepare her daughter for her new roles. In addition, they are expected to help them to prepare for the big moment in their lives. A Chicano woman is expected to enter the marriage institution fully aware of expectations and equipped with the necessary skills to be a correct wife and mother (ODea 812). Furthermore, they are expected to prepare the big dinners. The Chicano union has a special relationship with food. In the community, food plays a significant role, as the community not only enjoys eating a well-prepared meal but it also serves as a celebration of their culture. The Chicano community is amo ng the closest-knit community in America. The bride is not expected to see the groom to begin with the wedding day. The practice is widespread among all societies in the world. Most people believe that seeing the groom before the wedding would jinx the marriage. As a result, there is a period of separation between the bride and groom before they get married. The liminal phase is represented by the actual wedding day. The Chicano community loves to party. As a result, weddings are an excellent excuse for having a good time. The event is characterized by good music and dancing. The Chicano community has a deep appreciation for music. In addition, the community loves to celebrate the big moments in a persons life.
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Java programming and written exercises Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Java programming and written exercises - Essay Example2. Assume a class Square that implements the port wine Comparable. You are required to implement the method compareTo so that squares are compared according to their sides. Part of the Java code has been provided as below. Please complete the code interior the compareTo() method.4. Write a Java code segment that uses the LinkedList myList and the String array strArr. Store the elements from the array in the linked list. Use an iterator to scan the list and produce the elements of strings, whose length is greater than 5.String strArr = Java, Programming, if, array,LinkedList, queue, iteratorLinkedList myList = new LinkedList()private int ifor(i=0i 5)Insert(string strArri, LinkedListIterator p)public voidinsert(stringx,LinkedListIteratorp)if(p=null&&p.current=null), Trace the announce f(16) to the following method. Show how you work out the result.public static int f(int n)int result= 0if (n
Monday, June 17, 2019
Newton's laws Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Newtons laws - Essay ExampleNewtons laws of motion (law of inertia, fundamental law of dynamics, law of reciprocal actions) were verified by experiment and poster for over 200 years, and they ar excellent approximations at the scales and press forwards of everyday life. At the atomic scale, they pay off a poorer approximation to quantum mechanics, and at speeds comparable to the speed of light, they become a poorer approximation to relativity. Just as they fail for material objects moving at speeds close to the speed of light, they fail for light itself.Newtons first law appeared to be in the past just a special case of the second law, and it was thought Newton stated the first law separately simply in order to throw down the gauntlet to the Aristotelians. However, modern physicists think that the First Law defines the reference frames in which the other two laws are valid. These reference frames are called inertial reference frames or Galilean reference frames, and are moving at constant velocity, that is to say, without acceleration. (Note that an object may have a constant speed through its motion path and yet have a non-zero acceleration, as in the case of uniform circular motion. This means that the surface of the Earth is not an inertial reference frame, since the Earth is rotating on its axis and orbits around the Sun. However, for many experiments, the Earths surface can safely be assumed to be inertial. The law of temperance became Sir Isaac Newtons best-known discovery. Newton warned against using it to view the universe as a mere machine, like a great clock.
Sunday, June 16, 2019
Communication and Leadership in the Workplace Research Paper
Communication and Leadership in the Workplace - Research Paper ExampleThe confabulation process involves interchanging messages between the cite and the receiver. The source is the person that sends the information, while the receiver is the person that listens to other person talking. Maintaining good chat between the employees of a guild is important because doing so can supporter oneself a flying improve its productivity. Managers that maintain good communication are able to gain the trust of the employees. For communication to be effective in the body of work it must follow the proper communication channels. The communication channels are the pathways used to transmit information. Some examples of communication channels are emails, telephone, cellular phones, scripted letters, memos, and face to face meetings. A good mechanism that often enhances the communication process is feedback. Feedback is a reaction or response to something another person has through or said (Di ctionary, 2012). A popular method of feedback that is often used in the corporate world is 360-degree feedback. This method forces different people including peers and supervisors to evaluate the proceeding of an employee. Communication can be either verbal or non-verbal. Talking to another person is a form of verbal communication. Three examples of non-verbal communication are body gestures, facial expressions, and eye contact. Communication must be effective to ensure that everyone understands the message. Speaking in a concise matter helps improve the communication process. A skill that enhances communication is active listening. Five key elements of active listening are Pay attention Show that you are listening tin feedback Defer judgment Respond appropriately (Mindtools, 2012). Improving the communication between co-workers can help reduce misunderstandings. Good communication can also help prevent conflicts in the workplace. There are forces that inhibit communication such a s cultural differences, lack of feedback, and noise. Ethnocentrism occurs when one culture believe their values are superior to another culture. A lack of feedback is counterproductive because the person that does not receive feedback cannot take any corrective action to improve his behavior. Noise hurts the communication process because it interferes with the ability of people to listen to the message being sent. Companies must learn about new communication technologies. New communication tools such as Skype allow workers to have video chats and conferences. Face to face dialog is one of the most effective communication methods (Stryker & Santoro, 2012). Organizations need leadership in order to blow over the efforts of the company. The managers of the company are the employees that are supposed to exert leadership, but leadership can come from any employee in a firm. When leadership comes from an employee that is not in a managerial position that form of leadership is called info rmal leadership. Some of the top companies that utilize leadership to their advantage are IBM, General Mills, Procter & Gamble, Aditya Birla, and Colgate-Palmolive (Cnn, 2012). A company that has a reputation for having good leaders is better able to attract young talent into the firm. Good leadership in an organization helps a firm increase the motivation of its employees. Employees that are motivated perform better and have greater job satisfaction.
Friday, June 14, 2019
To what extent does HRM differ from past management practices Essay
To what extent does HRM differ from past management practices - Essay ExampleBratton & Gold (14) acknowledge that personnel management was a caring activity aimed at satisfying employees work-related needs as well as solving their problems. Traditional organizations were highly bureaucratic hence employee involvement was not essential in ensuring organization success. As the milieu continued to change, personnel management could not be able to respond quickly hence the emergence of a much responsive onward motion human resource management. However, there is a lot of controversy as to whether HRM evolved from personnel management or it is just a widen of scope of personnel management. HRM is strategic in nature and commitment-oriented and is concerned with human relation issues. Armstrong (2003, p. 1 2006, p 3) defines HRM as a strategic and coherent approach to the management of the organizations most valued assets the people who individually and collectively contribute to achiev ement of its objectives. For Heathfield (2011), HRM is a strategic and comprehensive approach to managing people, workplace culture and environment. ... FedEx is a parcel delivery service and among the 100 best companies to work for as indicated by the fortune magazine 2003 ( Blues is a garment factory with 800 employees. The paper will comp be the past management practices with HRM in light of the above organizations. Personnel Management and Human Resource Management Though some scholars argue that there is no difference between personnel and HRM and that one is an extension of the other, some differences can be observed in how employee relations argon handled, the way modern management is linked to business strategy, emphasis on high employee commitment, employee development, outsourcing, increased role of line managers, increased use of technology in HR systems, use of team work among others. One of the most significant differences is treating employees as an asset rather than a cost that needs to be minimised (Armstrong 2003, 4 Armstrong 2006, 10 Aswathappa, 7). The employees are thus very important in an organization as they ensure organization retains its competitive advantage. As an asset, investments are done on the employees through training and development, talent management and ensuring employee retention. In so doing, the organizations recognize that employees are valuable and essential for an organization to be profitable. At FedEx, the employees are encourage to be innovative and its people-service-profit philosophy ensures employees needs are taken care of. The survey feedback Action program is used to get data on employees and accordingly it is used by management to detect any problems such as training needs and address them. They also show how effective HR policies are in ensuring high performance and achievement of goals. It also has
Thursday, June 13, 2019
The question is on karen tranberg hansen's book salaula. the world of Essay
The question is on karen tranberg hansens book salaula. the ball of exploited clothing and zambia - Essay ExampleThe surface area, which takes its name from the river Zambezi, has been on a lane of continual economic decline due to the continuing low worldwide market for copper (the main export of Zambia) and a reduction in the countrys copper reserves.After late 19th century, the flourishing trade in secondhand clothing in the West (in London, a great raiment market rejoiced in the name of Petticoat Lane) dried up mainly because imports of new clothing from developing countries were easily available and affordable. Of total world exports of secondhand clothing (estimated by the United Nations in 1995 at 1.4 billion, the U.S. being the biggest exporter), about a quarter goes to sub-Saharan Africa. In the early 1990s secondhand clothes were Americas eighth largest export to the region. Britons are known to discard about 1 million tons of old clothes from each one year this figur e does not include an estimated 200,000 tons of old clothes that are recycled to be worn again or used in the industry. at that place are two social groups discussed in the book. The first is Rainbow Childrens Hospice in Leicester in the U.K that raises funds for charity. The second is Scope, an organization in the U.K to help mint with cerebral palsy. Scope has about 900 clothes banks in the U.K 760 of them are owned directly by it the balance 140 are owned by sub-dealers (such as Ragtex U.K located in Ashby-da-la-Zouch) licensed to use the Scope name. Each sub-dealer donates 100 a year to Scopes charity fund.Dana Simons, the owner of the blouse that makes the historic locomote in the novel, is a high school teacher who teaches home economics, food and nutrition in a school in Leicester. Dana is also a sea captain fundraiser at the Rainbow Childrens Hospice in the same city.Gerald Commel is the Managing Director of Ragtex U.K, sub-dealer of Scopes clothes banks, which operates a textile recycling plant
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
Students must demonstrate the ability to identify, assemble, and Research Paper
Students must demonstrate the ability to identify, assemble, and disseminate extant information relating to a topic in - Research Paper Example205). Majority of Americans, whether supporters of the Republicans, the Democrats or Independent candidates, have repeatedly put into perspective the religious beliefs, values, and principles of political contenders in the run up to the countrys elections. For instance, religious affiliations of Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, superlative Clinton, George Bush, John F. Kennedy, William Howard, Ronald Reagan, and Barrack Obama among others played significant part in view of their chances to clinch the government. While roughly of these candidates were purportedly Christians going by the official membership, American electorates also considered a number of them Muslims, deists, or even atheists (Newport, p. 205). In essence, religious affiliations always became subject of scrutiny and criticism during political campaigns and had significant impact in the candidates ability to articulate his plans and schema for the country and citizens. Controversies that surrounded Mitt Romneys religious affiliations played a role in his frightful loss to President Obama. Review of Literature Religious affiliations of political candidates have boosted or narrowed down their chances to clinch the presidency and other political positions in the United States. ... Even political parties have been subject of scrutiny as far as religion is concerned. In essence, most allegations lack substantial make and attestation. Various scholars have attested to the issue of religious belief and affiliation especially during campaign periods in America. According to Fisher and Koch (2004, p. 62), papistic Catholics emerged as the most preferred religious affiliation by most presidents. However, their book The Entrepreneurial College President, indicate a huge disparity in terms of the chances that a Roman Catholic presidential candidate has to bec ome an effective president of the Unites States. Hence, there is serious underrepresentation of the Roman Catholics by considering the number of effective presidents they ever produced since the country succeed its political independence. In their analysis, a meager 24.5 percent indicated preference for a Roman Catholic president (Fisher & Koch, p. 62). The trend is more shocking when one considers the Baptist presidential representation. Apparently, Americans who subscribe to the Baptist denomination constitute a skimpy 16.3 percent of the entire population. The mainstream Protestant denominations such as the Lutheran, the Methodist, and Presbyterian are surprisingly overrepresented despite their minimal absolute frequency in the entire countrys population. According to Fischer and James, the Presbyterian Church constitutes less than 3 percent (precisely 2.7 percent) yet it enjoys massive representation in the overall presidency outlook (Fisher & Koch, p. 62). However, the study indicated no preference for a Muslim president notwithstanding realism of the religion constituting a significant percentage of the
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
History and Political Science and Why United States Was Able to Defeat Research Paper
History and Political Science and Why United States Was Able to Defeat England - Research piece ExampleThey were also familiar with the territory and local resource of labor and food. Americans also perceived this war as the second war of impendence and fought with enthusiasm. In addition, many Americans believed that England sought to humiliate them as a sovereign country. American land forces had improved in both quality and leadership. There was a re-create sense of nationhood and urge to avenge indignities suffered by Americans (Newman 23-31).The article of Confederation was a form of union of thirteen independent states and bases of America Constitution. The weaknesses were lack of power by the states to collect taxes, trade regulation was denied to states, the law needed nine of thirteen states for approval, no executive branch, lack of national court system, and amendments could only be make if all members agreed. The greatest advantage of this confederation was that it all owed for the fair development of land to the west of Appalachians. Secondly, it led to the signing of the peace treaty with Great Britain. Thirdly, it led to the amplification of United States territory from Atlantic to Mississippi river, set up the department of foreign affairs and finally it led to states honoring legal acts of the states (Merrill 134-56).An analysis of this clause all points to the framers intention to deny that it neither prohibited nor allowed slave trade. The clause nominates to other economic or social class but does not refer slave as an economic class. However, the location of seats in Congress and number of people to be taxed although only three-fifths led to slaves being considered as benignant beings. It also led to return of fugitives slaves (Boyd 9- 21).Immediately after revolution abolition was conceived, it did not fade until the civil war. Abolition began as an elite group although spiritual leader was involved. It began as an appeal to people of colors especially the blacks and women. It led to unease over the legitimacy ofslavery.
Monday, June 10, 2019
Compare and contrast the 7S and Mintzberg's configuration models of Essay
Compare and contrast the 7S and Mintzbergs configuration puts of organisations - Essay ExampleHenry Mintzberg enhanced organizational design literature by suggesting different forms of organizations (Clegg, 3-7). McKinsey 7s model explains how an organisation goes about analyzing how well it is positioned to achieve its intended objective. This model has remained persistent over the years because it is applicable in wide range situations where an alignment persuasion is useful (Strategic management journal 279). Regardless of how an organization decides to define its scope of operations, alignment issues apply, making the model significant. Organisations being complex, this model eases the difficulty in understand them, and helps to understand them, consequently yielding maximum benefit and profitability (Clegg, 27). Description Mintzberg defines organizational building as, the total number of ports in which an organization distributes its intentness into distinctive parts and then attains harmonization amongst them. He argues that each configuration comprises of six constituents, which are (Clegg, 23-29) Operating core The human labor directly link up to the manufacturing of goods and services Calculated apex Aids the necessities of the people in the organisation Intermediate line Managers who link the premeditated apex with the operating fundamental Techno-structure The unspoiled who scheme, plot, modify or train the operating fundamental Support staff captains who deliver sustenance to the organisation external of the operating cores undertakings political orientation Philosophies and customs that make the organisation exceptional. Each one of the above part is in control to tug an organization in a specific way which is advantageous to them. As a result, Mintzberg presents organisation configuration framework with six valid organizational configurations. They are (Clegg 31-89) Entrepreneurial organization This is a simple structure characterized b y little or no techno-structure few support staff, minimal division of labor and work differentiation and little managerial hierarchy. There is no orb behavior, thus coordination is simple with direct supervision. This is the most starting point of many organizations (Davidson 46). Machine bureaucracy Comprises of high specialized, routine operating tasks, very formal procedures, proliferation of rules, regulations, and formalized communication throughout the organization and reliance on functional basis for grouping tasks. There is centralized decision-making and an elaborate administrative structure with trig distinctions between line and staff. It houses the specialists who do the standardizing. Machine bureaucracy is mostly found in mature or old organizations, large enough to have repetitive and standardized tasks. Managers at this level are not problem solving, rather, they concentrate on enhancing work processes to generate more output efficiently (Hardling, et al 33). Pro fessional organization This bureaucracy depends on the synchronization on the adjustment of skills. It employs duly accomplished experts or professionals for the operational core, and gives them significant control over their exertion. They work autonomously of their coworkers, but, virtually to the customers they attend (Semler, 47). Previously
Sunday, June 9, 2019
Answer questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Answer questions - Essay ExampleValue based determine focuses on the usability and value a product adds to the life of the consumer. Rather than fixing prices with the intention of covering the cost incurred in product of a product, a order fixes the price depending on the value it adds to the consumers life. Value can be measured in terms of increased efficiency in conducting business activities, advance in general standards of living and other qualitative measures. Examples of businesses that use this strategy include software companies and producers of medical products.Being a computer and electronics company that seeks to authorise the computing needs of our clients, we use the value that the product adds to the lives of our clients to determine how much it is worth. The company also produces a number of personalized software products for its clients. This is a erect strategy because rather than concentrating on the metrics in terms of cost of coming up with a product, the company is more concerned with the utility that a client derives from it. It makes no sense for a customer to pay for a product just to cover the cost of producing it while it adds no value to his/her life. handed-down approaches of penetrating the food market favor charging a low price for a product when a business enterprise is initially entering into a market niche. Chances are high that there were previously existing businesses on the market before it came in and therefore, charging lower prices may capture the attention of the target market. formerly it has established a reliable customer base and gained ground in the market, it should take advantage of strategies such as increasing prices or large-scale production to boost profits. This is effective in countering competition especially because of the seemingly low profits.Skimming on the other hand favors charging high prices for products as they are universe introduced into the market. The main aim
Saturday, June 8, 2019
How far Does Lenin's Theory of Capitalist Imperialism Explain the Essay
How far Does Lenins Theory of Capitalist Imperialism Explain the Scramble for Africa - examine ExampleThe increment of a specialized concept, the capitalist imperialism is reviewed in this paper. Reference is do specifically to the potential use of this concept for explaining the Scramble for Africa, a accomplish developed between the years 1880 and 1900 and which resulted to the colonization of the major give of the particular continent. The above process was initiated mainly by European states, which tried to secure their economies by locating and acquiring important economic resources. Different approaches have been used for describing the content and the use of capitalist imperialism. In the specific study emphasis is habituated on the Lenins theory of capitalist imperialism, as this theory can be applied on the case under examination, the Scramble for Africa. It is proved that Lenin has highlighted the discover characteristics of capitalist imperialism, explaining effect ively the concepts creation, as a result of the transformation of capitalism to an advanced social and economic system (Lenin 1999, p.91). Moreover, it seems that the view of Lenin on capitalist imperialism can offer appropriate explanations on the involvement of this concept in the Scramble of Africa, at least in regard to the key aspects of the specific social and political process. 2. Lenins theory of capitalist imperialism The theory of Lenin on capitalist imperialism is based on the following view capitalism is imperialism (Willoughby 2002, p.7). Moreover, capitalism is an indispensable part of modern societies. Therefore, the development of imperialism worldwide cannot be controlled. The above view of Lenin in regard to the birth between capitalism and imperialism can be used for explaining the development of capitalist imperialism worldwide taking into consideration the following facts issues of domination and conflicts among nations may not be clearly explained through the above theory however, the theory of Lenin on capitalist imperialism explains the use of capitalism in the expansion of imperialism from the beginning of the 20th century onwards. From another point of view, Hall (1986) notes that the theory of Lenin on capitalist imperialism reveals the relationship between the conflicts related to capitalism and the increase of imperialism. Indeed, in accordance with Lenin, when contradictions referring to capitalism are developed within a state, then it is expected that the efforts of this state to be involved in the rest of the world is unavoidable, almost necessary (Hall 1986, p.223). In the above case, the imperial possessions are necessary as markets for excess goods (Hall 1986, p.223), although it is not made clear whether these possessions, meaning the foreign countries, are considered to be just destinations of goods or resources of important goods, as for example in the case of countries with important energy sources (oil, gas), or valuabl e assets (gemstones). It is assumed that the involvement of a state in other states worldwide can have one or both of the above forms, aiming to erect the development of capitalism within the particular state. In other words, imperialism, as described by Lenin, is used for securing the development of capitalism, therefore the above two frameworks cannot live separately. On the other hand, it should be made clear that the
How did Bobbie Ann Mason`s upbringing in the rural south influence her writing of Shiloh Essay Example for Free
How did Bobbie Ann masons upbringing in the rural south twist her writing of Shiloh EssayBobbie Ann Mason is considered as one of the great American writers from the southeasterly. Her personal secondground as a Southerner influenced and identify a primer coat for near of her fable stories. From a small country girl who used to read Bobbsey Twins and the Nancy Drew mysteries, Bobbie Ann Mason has become one of the Americas leading illustration writers. In 1980 The New Yorker published her first composition. It took me a long time to discover my material, she says. It wasnt a matter of developing writing skills it was a matter of erudite how to make up ones mind things. And it took me a very long time to grow up.Id been writing for a long time, but was never able to see what there was to write about. I always aspired to things away from home, so it took me a long time to look back at home and realize that thats where the center of my thought was (Bobbie Ann Masons Ho mepage). This discourse will try to map out the journey that Bobbie Ann Mason has taken from be just a country girl to being one of Americas leading fiction writers as well as how her upbringing has been manifested in her writings, especially Shiloh. Bobbie Ann Mason was born in 1940 in a small town in Mayfield, Kentucky.Growing up in her p arnts dairy farm, she spent most of her childhood days in the emblematic rural Southern orbit and experiencing the Southern way of upbringing. (Bobbie Ann Mason, Wikipedia) The first nine (9) years of her educational vivification were spent in a rural school. shortly thereafter Bobbie Ann Mason attended a city school where she stayed until her graduation. It was here where she first experienced living in the city and experiencing the hustle and bustle that was take away from the rural setting that she was accustomed to in Kentucky (Webber).It was her love for literature that prompted her to pursue a degree in journalism from the University of Kentucky and eventually attain a Ph. D. in English from the University of Connecticut. (Bobbie Ann Mason, Wikipedia) This seeming duality of her background, growing up in the Southern Setting and highly educated in a metropolitan setting, is reflected within most of her written works (Hunt). Rothstein describes Masons style as a combination of her intellectual sophistication (after all, she had a doctorate degree) and the sand of isolated, yearning mankind of her rural characters is one she has never quite shed herself. The influence of growing up in the South is clearly shown in most of her characters in her stories yet the theme and feel of the story reveals her intellect and cosmopolitan views as well. A utter(a) example of how Mason reveals this duality is in Shiloh. In Shiloh, Mason shows this through with(predicate) the challenges that the characters undergo some of these changes that the characters in experience deal with the nature of human life, the changes brought on by death, the issues on disease and aging but these changes are non so common, nor as troublesome, in Masons stories as the changes brought on by a changing society.These changes, as Edwin T. Arnold correctly observes, are brought about by the fact that the map has effectively displaced, transformed, and cheapened the traditional, and Masons characters are depicted as they lose their strengths and beliefs and find nothing substantial to replace them (136) Bobbie Ann Masons writings are mostly set in the South. Her version is more realistic and not romanticized unlike the works of Faulkner or OConnor (Hunt), she depicts small-town rural Southern living, development dialogue and settings characteristic of the South (Hunt).However, southern history and all it represents seems irrelevant to her characters lives (Fine 87). Bobbie Ann Mason occasionally reveals her talent and wit by being able to focus more on her characters and their sense of isolation and their want for something more from their lives and draw the reader towards the characters and make them empathize with the characters. These characters are not simply depicted as typical Southerners, but instead as masses who are trying desperately to get into the society rather than out of it (Reed 60).Mason shows the Southern Influence by creating believable characters that are caught in the transition between the old, pastoral, rural world of farms and close-knit communities and the modern, anonymous, suburban world of shopping malls and fast-food restaurants (Shiloh Themes). In Shiloh, for example, Leroy did not notice the change in his hometown while he was on the road as a trucker. However, now that Leroy has come home to stay, he notices how much the town has changed. Subdivisions are spreading across Hesperian Kentucky like an oil slick. Change, a theme oftentimes used by Mason in her works, shows just how much Mason is influenced by her upbringing and in addition reveals how she laments over how people are slow to realize the changes in southern society. In this story, it takes a traumatic event of some kind to make the characters see that the land has changed or that they no longer know who they are. In Leroys case, it is his accident and injury in his rig that make him see that the land has changed, that Norma Jean has changed, and that in all the years he was on the road he never took time to examine anything.He was always flying past scenery (2). some(prenominal) of Masons characters react to the changes in their lives by trying, at least momentarily, to go back. Leroy thinks that he can hold onto his wife if he can go back to a simpler time. He decides to accomplish this by building her a log cabin for which he goes so far as to order the blueprints and to build a miniature out of Lincoln Logs. Mabel, Leroys mother-in-law, is convinced that if Leroy and Norma Jean will go to Shiloh where she and her husband went on their honeymoon, they can somehow begin their fif teen-year-old marriage anew.So does Leroy. He says to Norma, You and me could start all over again. Right back at the beginning (15). It is ironic, fitting, and symbolic that it is at Shiloh that Norma tells him she wants to leave him. By storys end, Leroy knows that he cannot go back as it occurs to him that building a house of logs is . . . empty too simple. . . . Now he sees that building a log house is the dumbest idea he could perplex had. . . . It was a crazy idea (16). He realizes that the real inner workings of a marriage, like most of history, have escaped him (16).The female person characters that Mason brings to life are what set her stories apart from the usual literature which depicts Southern women their dreams, goals, and their want for progress significantly differs from those of the traditional Southern belle characters such as Scarlett OHara and Adie (Hunt). The female characters of Mason embrace change and are not afraid of it (Kincaid 582). This seemingly femin ist theme reflects the change in social relationships between men and women how evolving and rapidly shifting gender roles affect the lives of simple people.Mason also shows how some of her women try to forge new identities in the wake of shifting gender roles and how their efforts often include a blatant shrinking of traditionally feminine behaviors or characteristics sometimes they seem almost completely to be trading roles with the men in their lives. And since change often causes uncertainty and instability, another aspect is the way these women find some solid ground through connections with other women (Bucher). Shiloh is a story that symbolizes the modern charr striving to find her identity (Cooke 196).In this short story, Bobbie Ann Mason masterfully portrays the lead female character, Norma Jean, as one such woman strong, determined and confused in a search for her identity. Mason is able to show this to the reader through the acts of Norma Jean as she tries to improve he r physical port by working on her pectorals (Mason 271), enrolls in a variety of classes, from weightlifting to cooking exotic foods to English composition in an attempt to become a new woman (Thompson 3). These actions of Norma Jean actions reveal more of a strong desire for inner personal transformation, much more than anything else.However, Mason also recognizes that abrupt change in ones personality has its own dangers (Hunt), as illustrated by Norma Jean and Leroys relationship. Norma Jean and Leroys relationship is a perfect example of the dangers of an abrupt change as it shows a marriage with serious problem and the effect that change has on it. Leroy and Norma Jean Moffitt, are working-class people living in the modern South, and thus they bring into their marriage all sorts of unspoken expectations of who they should be, which often contrast violently with who they are even more so with who they are becoming (Bucher).When in a twist of fate, Leroy loses the use of his l eg, Norma Jean suddenly assumes the role of being the man in the family and this leads to problems. It is this sort of change that is not only abrupt but also drastic which Mason shows in Shiloh that reveals her Southern influence. She emphasizes the changing role of women in society by using the Southern setting as a backdrop. Mason is a lover of flutter and roll music. This passion and preference for rock music and pop civilisation are frequently reflected throughout her stories as well (Webber).Writing is my version of rock-and-roll, Rothstein quotes her (Webber). This is aptly shown in Shiloh, where the main characters themselves are named after Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe, popular icons of the rock and roll scene and pop culture in the early 1950s. All in all, it can be said that Bobbie Ann Masons personal background shows a very consistent influence in the fiction stories that she writes and provides a deeper and different perspective about living in a Southern setting and rural life in general.In the country in Kentucky, people are just amazed that anybody in New York wants to read about their lives (Rothstein). With fiction stories of Bobbie Ann Mason, however, it is not surprising that people will want to read more about Kentucky or the Southern locales of the United States, for that matter, for her stories speak of the universal human experiences that transgress physical and cultural boundaries which people can identify with.WORKS CITEDArnold, Edwin J. Falling Apart and Staying Together. Appalachian Journal (1985) 135-141Aycock-Simpson, Judy. Bobbie Ann Masons Portrayal of Modern westward Kentucky Border States Journal of the Kentucky-Tennessee American Studies Association, No. 7 (1989) Bobbie Ann Mason. Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia. August 30, 2006. November 11, 2006 http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Bobbie_Ann_Mason Bobbie Ann Mason. Bobbie Ann Masons Homepage. September 17, 2005. November 24, 2006 http//www. eiu. edu/eng1002/authors/mason2/ bio. htm Shiloh Themes. Short Stories for Students. Ed. Marie Rose Napierkowski. Vol. 3. Detroit Gale, 1998. January 2006. 24 November 2006. http//www. enotes. com/battle of Shiloh/32686 Bucher, Tina. Changing Roles and Finding Stability Women in Bobbie Ann Masons Shiloh and Other Stories Border States Journal of the Kentucky-Tennessee American Studies Association, No. 8 (1991) Cooke, Stewart J. Masons Shiloh. The Explicator 51 (1993) 196-197. Fine, Laura. firing Nowhere Slow The Post-South World of Bobbie Ann Mason. The Southern Literary Journal 32 (1999). Hunt, Kristina. Masons Transformation of the South. October 27, 2000. November 11, 2006.
Friday, June 7, 2019
Z for Zachariah Essay Example for Free
Z for Zachariah EssaySurvival, basically refined is stated as the fact or state of continuing to live or exist, especially in difficult situations. Never, never pay off in, in anything great or small, never give in is a famous quote by Sir Winston Churchill that helps explain the real aspects of what it takes to survive.The following text will explain and explore survival from various techniques and effects as well as comp be and dividing line the similarities and differences between Z for Zachariah, our class novel of a teenage girl living in a post-apocalyptic demesne and Touching the Void, a excite story of both adventurous climbers whos journey takes a turn for the worse. Z for Zachariah is based in a post apocalyptic time occlusion within the American Midwest. It is set out in a diary entry written by the protagonist, in this case a 16 class old girl named Ann Burden.It focuses on what she does just to stay alive during the daily events she encounters. Through the us e of this 1st person perspective, you ar able to believe that you are right there in the heart of the novel. Most importantly, it enables you to experience the life of Ann and what it is like to live in a time of struggle and despair. Other techniques untold(prenominal) as flashbacks (a jump backwards in time to fill in details from the past) and symbolism (the use of an object or idea to represent something else by association) help re-instate the initial format of survival portrayed in the novel. Touching the Void is a documentary based on the straightforward story of two mountaineers climbing in the Peruvian Andes where star of the climbers falls and sustains a serious leg injury, making him unable to carry on. This leaves them with a serious conundrum of what to do to get out alive. Throughout the documentary a variety of techniques are portrayed to get the audience engaged. It is constantly reverting to the interviews of Joe Simpson and Simon Yates to concede a much better engaging atmosphere for the audience.Also, through the use of re-enactment it provides the feeling of you actually being there and witnessing the events that happen throughout the film. Survival is clearly shown in its true form in this documentary. Both of these particular texts have differences and similarities between them. Whereas Z for Zachariah is written with many themes in mind such as good and curse, hope and despair and life and death Touching the Void is filmed with only one, this is survival instinct .This simply stated is what happens when you are put in a high pressure situation with no apparent way of etting out. Also, where the novel is a fiction story, the documentary happened in the ever present world in which we live, making it a more realistic and easier to understand the viewpoint. Although there are not many similarities shared between the two texts, there is one key feature they both possess and that is the aspect of Lone Survival. This is what makes these s tories of survival what they are and why they are truly great. The ability to think when you are all by yourself is quite difficult, especially when the thought of death is in mind.However, in both of these texts the protagonists are able to regain their focus and carry on strong to finish alive at the end of the journey. Both Z for Zachariah and Touching the Void have uniquely different ideas of how survival can take off in different ways, as well as change the people involved in the event for the rest of their lives. These are great examples of survival at their best, and In the end Life is the struggle for survival, in which the strongest wins, and as Winston Churchill once said Never, never give in, in anything great or small, never give in.
Thursday, June 6, 2019
A Foundation Course Essay Example for Free
A Foundation Course EssayMaslow suggested heredity played a strong role in face-to-faceity development. The philia of the kind of person was established in the genetic structure, and the environment determined which part to unfold or become actualized. The issue of nature versus nurture was considered in his theory. Maslow adopted a growth-directions theory in that a person grew gradually from one kind of individual toward being a different kind. Another big(p) figure is Carl Rogers. Both Maslow and Rogers believed human nature was intrinsically good and embraced self-actualization as the empirical principle. Rogers introduced the person-centred therapy. Therapist offered personal congruence, unconditional positive regard and accurate sympathetic understanding in a therapeutic relationship. Research methodologies employed by humanistic psychologists were mainly introspection investigative techniques. Individuals were analysed from the inside. Humanistic psychologists were of the view that the perfect typesetters case of an individuals personal experience was found in ones thoughts and feelings. They did not claim to be objective.Instead, they were intent on this subjective interchange of a relationship that uncovered the personal knowledge of another individual. Strengths of humanistic psychology were that the theorists proposed a positive, optimistic picture of humans. This was in contrast to behaviorism which was accused of reducing individuals to a system of apparent acts, thereby missing the human aspects, and was in contrast to Freuds psychoanalysis SS101-TMA05 Marisa Lee 93512450 11 family 2000 Pg 11/12 which was accused of adopting a negative modeling of humanity, emphasizing on neurotic behaviour.The humanistic approach was notable for its concern for the individuals hopes and plans for the future, which was being neglected in many other theories. One other study strength of humanistic theory was its insistence on the importance of unique pe rsonal experiences. The insistence on the importance of unique personal experiences mentioned above had likewise become one of humanistic theorys weaknesses in that the unique experience made it imprecise when communicating the essence of one persons experience to another. The theory is lack of falsifiability as instrospection was the principal investigate technique.Humanistic psychologists were subjective in validating their theory. They trusted their own feelings and logic more than objective data. By concentrating on the self, other split of an individual like bio-electrochemical nature, analytical abilities, memory systems were left untouched. Conclusions Psychologists while attempting to explain behaviour of individuals, adopted a varied basis of assumptions, and different images of mankind evolved. The pattern that man acts like a machine and reacts to offside forces gives rise to the mechanistic view of mankind.Another concept that mans behaviour can be explained via brin ging out their memories in the unconscious renders the psychoanalytic image of mankind. An alternative view that man seeks to aspire oneself by fulfilling the hierarchy of needs gives rise to the SS101-TMA05 Marisa Lee 93512450 11 September 2000 Pg 12/12 humanistic image of mankind. Man can be viewed differently but there is not a theory that explains all. To have a more comprehensive understanding of mans behaviour, a combined study of all the different images of mankind would be helpful.References 1. Swales, C. (1991). Social Sciences A Foundation Course, Psychology 2, Units 17 18. The Open University of Hong Kong. 2. Faw, T. and Belkin, G. S. (1989). Child Psychology. McGraw-Hill, Inc. P. 12-31. 3. Thomas, R. Murray. (2000). Comparing Theories of Child Development. 5th Edition. Wadsworth/Thomson Learning. Chapter 5. 4. Berk, Laura E. (1998). Development through the Lifespan. Allyn Bacon. P. 15-18. 5. Woolf. Theoretical Perspectives Relevant to Developmental Psychologyhttp//www
Wednesday, June 5, 2019
Expansion Analysis for BMW
Expansion Analysis for BMW1. Prepare and implement a plan for the assemblage of primary and secondary data for assessing an area of business of your choice.a. Develop and use a questionnaire and justify its design for a particular purpose.1.1 Research Topic habitual Area of interest Expansion Diversification of Business.Specific sub area of interest -BMWs expansion in car segment in Mumbai, India.More particular topic of interest Which type of car segment should BMW expand their business in Mumbai, India.Research Topic BMWs expansion in particular car securities industry segment.1.1.1 BackgroundBMW entered the Indian foodstuff in the year 2006 after their arch rival Mercedes-Benz. Both the German luxury car unclutterrs have the maximum market share in the luxury car market segment. Recently Audi has entered their market and is giving both the automobile companies a tough competition. BMW is able to overtake Mercedes-Benz in terms of sales and has been at the top of the luxur y car market segment in India since the last four years. Audi is capturing the market segment rapidly with its peeled cars. So in order to remain at the top of the luxury car segment BMW as to react according to the change in rationalise and bring out new models to beat its competitors and block the entry of new competitors like Nissan, Porsche, Volkswagen, etc in their market segment.BMW has its sales subsidiary in Gurgaon, Delhi to develop its head teacher network in India. BMW has established 14 dealers both over India. Mumbai is one of the largest cities of luxury car market segment in India. The SIAM (Society of Indian Automobile Manufactures) has account that BMWs sales have grown by 12.76% to 1,020 units in July, 2009. The report also says that BMW has increased its sales by 43% to 3,000 units in 2010. BMW has future plans on increase their dealership in eight more cities of India. BMWs management team can understand the taste of the Indian consumers based on the explor e conducted in Mumbai, India. Mumbai cosmos the economic capital of India had the largest number of buyers of luxury cars in India. BMW had opened its start-off assembly center in Chennai in 2007 by seeing the potential harvest-festival in Indian market. BMW is really caution about its product launch in Indian markets because they just dont want to sell cars based on their speck revalue, but they wish to create better brand value by serving their customers with luxury cars with top of the line features, amazing performance and competing prices. BMW had surprised all its rivals by launching Rolls Royce cars in Indian market after studying the economic growth in India. But they still havent launched the cars of brand Mini because Indian customers are not ready for expensive small cars. BMW has always tried to make their cars on the basis of an idea of being practical and contemporary which has dish uped them go after in luxury car segment in India. The firm has also made cars w hich are fuel efficient and eco-friendly (working on hybrid technology) has boosted their brand value and has helped them find many new customers.http// Aim for the Research ProjectThe aim for the research topic is to find out in which market segment should BMW make expansions (produce new models) in Mumbai.1.1.3 ObjectivesThe objectives for my research are to gather primary information for the research through Descriptive or Survey Research Design with the help of a questionnaire, secondary information via the staffs of the car companies and through companies sites, and conclude by research analysis and present it as a report to the BMWs management team.1.2ResearchLeedy (1985) defines research as the manner in which we attempt to solve problems in a systematic effort to push back the frontiers of human ignorance or to confirm the rigorousness of the solution to problems others have presumably resolved.1.2.1 Research DesignResearch Design i s defined as a framework or blueprint for conducting a merchandise research project. It specifies the details of the procedure necessary for attaining the information needed to structure and/or solve marketing research problems.http// Type of Research Design chosenDescriptive or Survey Research Design is utilise for the research as it attempts to describe and explain conditions of the present by using many subjects and questionnaires to in full describe a phenomenon. Survey research design /survey methodology is one of the most popular for dissertation research.http// Primary Secondary ResearchThe methods used for primary research is Descriptive or Survey Research Design method by which qualitative data is self-collected through questionnaires. The questionnaire is filled by 100 good deal visiting the showrooms of BMW, Audi Mercedes-Benz and the data colle cted is examine and a conclusion is made. The questionnaire is designed to know the preference of the type of car segment concourse prefer to buy. Secondary data is collected from the showroom managers, balance sheet of companies and from the companys site. Using both primary and secondary research a conclusion is skeletal and presented in form of a report to the BMW management.1.2.4 Network DiagramThe network diagram is used to show how the market research is carried out and data is analyzed and generated into a report for the management of BMW.PD = Primary Data, SD = Secondary DataDiagram 1 Network Diagram1.3.1 Questionnaire for Primary Research1.3.2 Analysis of the QuestionnaireThe first question was asked to determine the ratio of gender of 100 mess who had been a part of this survey. The result showed that out of the population of 100 the ratio of Men Women were 73. The number of female who came to the showroom was 30 and the number of male was 70.Gender Male = 70 People Fe male = 30 PeopleDiagram 2 GenderThe second question is a general question asked to check how much the Indian people prefer to lease their car. The data collected showed that 95% of the people prefer driving their cars and 5% of the people do not drive their cars.People who like driving their car (Yes) = 95 People who dont drive their car (No) = 5Diagram 3 People Who Prefer Driving Their automobileThe third was based on how many cars each one possess who was surveyed. The data collected showed that 1 car was owned by 15 % people, 2 cars were owned by 10% people, 3 cars are owned by 25% people, 4 cars are owned by 10% people, 5 cars owned by 15% people, 6 cars owned by 15% people, 7 cars owned by 5% people, and 8 cars owned by 5% people.Number of cars owned1=15 people 2=10 people 3=25people 4=10 people 5=15 people 6=15 people 7=5 people 8= 5 peopleDiagram 4 Number of Cars OwnedThe fourth and fifth questions were asked to gather the information for the company to check the preferenc e of what type of car the people who were surveyed favorite(a). The data collected was tabulated according to the age group.Age Group of People Surveyed and their Preference for the Type of CarDiagram 5 Preference of Type of Car of People of Different Age GroupThe sixth question was asked to see what price cheat on the Indian customers prefer when they plan to buy a car. expenditure range of cars (00,000 Rupees) 20-40 = 25 people 40-60 = 40 people 60-80 = 25 people 80-100 = 10 peopleDiagram 6 Price function of cars (00,000 Rs)The data collected showed the price range preferred by the Indian customers. The data showed that 25% people preferred car in the range 20-40 (00,000 Rs.), 40% people preferred car in the range 40-60 (00,000 Rs.), 25% people preferred car in the range 60-80 (00,000 Rs.), and 10% people preferred car in the range 80-100 (00,000 Rs. This data is also essential as this will help the company to make cars according to the taste of their customers.2. Create inform ation for decision making by summarising data using representative values, and use the results to draw valid and useful conclusions in a business context.a. Analyse the data collected in problem 1 using measures of dispersion, and use to assess an area of business of your choice.b. Use quartiles, percentiles and correlation coefficient, and use these to draw useful conclusions in a business context.2.1 Quartile, Quartile Range and Quartile Deviationa. SedanQuartilesNth Value = = 45Q1 =Q2 =Q3 =Quartile RangeQR = Q3 Q1 = 39 18 = 21 yearsQuartile DeviationQD = = 10.5 yearsb. SUVQuartilesNth Value = = 35Q1 =Q2 =Q3 =Quartile RangeQR = Q3 Q1 = 47 32 = 15 yearsQuartile DeviationQD = = 7.5 yearsc. Sports CarQuartilesNth Value = = 20Q1 =Q2 =Q3 =Quartile RangeQR = Q3 Q1 = 38 18 = 20 yearsQuartile DeviationQD = = 10 years2.2 Mean, Variance, Standard Deviation Coefficient of correlational statisticsa. SedanMean = x = = = 35Variance = = = 66.67Standard Deviation = = = = 8.16Coefficient of strain = = = 0.23b. SUVMean = x = = = 39.28 = 39 (approx.)Variance = = = 81.71Standard Deviation = = = = 9.04Coefficient of Variation = = = 0.23c. Sports CarMean = x = = = 32.5Variance = = = 78.75Standard Deviation = = = = 8.87Coefficient of Variation = = = 0.272.3 Coefficient of Correlation of set and Age GroupSedan CarCorrelation Coefficient = r =r =r =r = = = 0.16625701 = 0.17 (approx.)SUVNo. of PeopleAge Group (X)Pricing Range (Y)XYXY1213573544112252234510355292025327451215729202542755148572930255296518858414225631752325961562573170217096149008328025601024640093285272010247225103535122512251225113545157512252025123650180012962500133660216012963600143745166513692025153755203513693025163860228014443600173860228014443600183865247014444225193940
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