Saturday, August 31, 2019
Broken Windows Theory
What Impact has the Broken-windows Theory had on Policing? What about the Future? 02/18/2010 Question Response pg. 118 Broken-windows theory is the thought that when low levels of crime and disorder and deviance are not held in check, then more serious crime is likely to follow (Roberg, Novak, Cordner pg. 102). It was a theory proposed by J. Q. Wilson and Kelling in 1982. The broken-windows theory has had an effect on policing in the past, and will play a role in how policing is done in the future. First let’s look at how the broken-windows theory has impacted policing in the past. Broken-windows theory suggested a way of thinking in the community. Citizens felt safer when police departments conducted more foot patrols in the neighborhood, and felt the police were more aware of the crime that occurred. As time progressed into the adaptation of the motorized patrol, some people felt that the police had lost touch with the community and were not aware of the small underlying issues of the bigger crimes that occurred (pg. 66). Through the theory of broken-windows, a zero-tolerance style of policing was developed. Some police departments, such as New York, implemented the zero tolerance style and claimed that it lowered their crime rates in the mid 1990’s (pg. 103). The police became more arrest oriented and focused on a more aggressive approach to crime control. They would increase their traffic citations, arrests, and increase their contacts with citizens. However, one of the issues with the zero tolerance style of policing is that it can cause some undue harm to citizens. By being to aggressive, it leads officers to become more suspicious of some people even though they may not deserve it, and can to lead to false arrests or abuse (pg. 04). In conclusion, the broken-windows theory has created the zero tolerance style of policing, and has lead some citizens to believe that the police are not in touch with their neighborhood due to the lack of foot patrol. As cities continue to grow and expand, most police departments will not have the resources to devote some offices to foot patrol, w hile having others in vehicles to respond to other calls for service in other areas. Therefore under the broken-windows theory, departments will have to address the issue of the community not feeling safe without foot patrols. Also, understanding that if minor crime is not addressed, the potential for larger crime may follow; this will lead departments to find new strategies to address these issues. Departments will look to work with the community (community policing) in an effort to resolve the issues without delay (zero tolerance). Broken-windows theory has affected the way police departments operate since it was developed, and only through new and creative strategies can it be correctly implemented. Reference: Roberg, R. , Novak, K. , & Cordner, G. (2009). Police & society. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press. Broken Windows Theory The notion that serious crime is stemmed from minor disorders and fear of crime was a well-developed hypothesis in the 1980s by James Q. Wilson and George Kelling (Hinkle & Weisburd, 2006). Wilson and Kelling (1982) had coined this theory as â€Å"broken windows†. Broken windows theory states that disorder in a society causes the residents of the society to develop fear (Hinkle & Weisburd, 2008). The authors go on to state that fear is the fueling source behind delinquent behavior, which resulted in higher rates of serious crimes (2008).The main concept of this theory illustrated that if police were to target and eliminate minor disorders through community policing, it would have an overall impact on the reduction of crime rates (Gau & Pratt, 2008). Broken windows theory was not accepted by all, in fact it sparked a great deal of controversy (Wilson & Kelling, 1982). The opposing views of broken windows theory argued that it was too weak because of the lack thereof empirical e vidence proving the correlation between implementation of broken windows policing methods and decrease in crime (Harcourt, 1998).The purpose of this essay was to compare and contrast the two different perspectives on the broken windows theory. This paper shall also conclude whether the broken windows theory can be successfully used within a community policing model. In my opinion the broken windows theory had enough substantial groundwork presented that it was successfully used within community policing. To begin, according to Clyde Cronkhite (2004) the theory was true. Cronkhite connects â€Å"disorder and crime as part of a developmental sequence†(2008, p. 46). The main concept that Kelling and Wilson stated, was that if small minor disorders such as littering, public drinking, graffiti etc. were tolerated in a society than it would spiral out creating more serious crimes (Cronkhite, 2004). Cronkhite (2004) gave reasoning behind their theory stating that serious crimes ste m from criminals assuming that once there was social acceptance of minor delinquent behaviors, the community became vulnerable and were less likely to act against such behaviors. Broken windows entails a process whereby unchecked visible disorder signals to residents that community lacks social control. This assumption is that the law-abiding citizens and the criminal alike are attuned to this signal†(Gau & Pratt, 2008, p. 164). Gau and Pratt (2008) gave an explanation as to why criminals tend to flood the streets when minor disorders are present in society. The authors reasoned that it is because the general public sought shelter or safety off of the streets which in turn allowed criminals to occupy the area (Wilson & Kelling, as cited in Gau & Pratt, 2008).From personal experience in third year of University I attended a midnight street walk of downtown Toronto, which allowed me to draw on the same conclusions as Gua and Pratt. During the street walk it was clear that certa in geographical areas provided an outlet for further crime to exist based on social senses, such as Regent Park. Also, based on physical evidence that remained on George St in front of Seaton House; needles on the floor, graffiti on the walls and empty alcohol bottles not only concluded that this area was a favorable environment for crime, but that indeed some form of illegal acts had occurred.Furthermore, Gua and Pratt (2010) discussed how the perceptions of disorder in a community instilled fear into its members and how fear created social disengagement from the community. The broken windows perspective outlined the cognitive thought behind what individuals viewed as disorders (Cronkhite, 2004). In other words, disorder was always in the eye of the beholder, which in this case was the community. The way the community interpreted the delinquent behavior for example littering, determined whether the community was going to reject or accept it into their societal values.Based on the c ommunity’s decision we must consider an outsider’s perspective on such behavior as well. James McCabe (2008) goes on to talk about how it was not the physical aspect of the act (litter in itself) but rather the symbolism it created that lead to increase in crime. McCabe also stated that if individuals saw littering as a threat to social order, this threat would no longer be overlooked or considered unimportant, instead littering would be viewed as a key catalyst to a chain of negligent behavior (2008).Fear was a result of the negligent behavior, fear also generated attachment to the visible characteristics of delinquency, helping outsiders derive a negative stigma about a community (J. Irwin, personal communication, Oct 3rd, 2012). Tepperman and Curtis (2011), provided an explanation as to why crime occurs based on the social functionalist approach coined by Emile Durkheim â€Å"in order to have a well-functioning society it requires values, cohesion and social contro l†(p. 19).This theory was based on the principal that social problems are socially created (Tepperman and Curtis, 2011), the social functionalist approach supported the original work on the broken windows theory, which stated that minor disorders are classified and looked at based on individual perception (source). Structural functionalist approach established that problems in a society originate from the observation of others’ consequences (Tepperman and Curtis, 2011). In this particular case the consequences of the minor delinquent acts created greater chaos.To combat the growth in crime rates in any geographical area, â€Å"broken windows philosophy entails addressing the minor problems in a community before they create conditions that welcome and/or permit more serious offences†(McCabe, 2008, p. 291). McCabe (2008) also theorized that if you were to control the disorder you could then control the crime. The outcome this theory had on police response was tha t it created the order maintenance policing strategy (Cronkhite, 2004). This was the gateway introduction to community based policing.Broken windows theory demanded that there be community involvement (McCabe, 2008). The positive correlation between community policing and reduction of crime rates, was not necessarily in the affects the police have on the disorder itself, but rather the sense of order being restored into the community through hands on approach (Sampson & Raudenbush, 2004). When the community saw active policing, and a restored sense of community, people began to feel safer within society and were more inclined to help with community restoration initiatives (McCabe, 2008).The order maintenance strategy operated based on a community policing model, which is known as The Ontario Association of Chief of Police (OACP) Model (G. Hanna, personal communication, Sept 26th 2012). Wilson and Kelling’s theory was based on the social science experiment of Phillip Zimbardo, who had studied the snowballing effect on vandalism at the Stanford University Campus parking lot New York City in 1969, once a vacant car was left unattended to (McCabe, 2008).Kelling and Wilson (1982), indicated that disorder and crime have a strong positive correlation based on the yielded results from Zimbardo’s experiment. The first to implement the order maintenance approach was the New York Transit Authority (NYTA) (Corman & Mocan, 2005). The NYTA tackled the Subway vandalism problem head on, they eliminated graffiti, and arrested those who tried to cheat the subway fare system (Corman & Mocan, 2005). Bratton the main leader in organizing the initiative, stated that the theory was accurate (Corman & Mocan, 2005). Bratton went on to explain that there was a dramatic drop in rime rates committed in the subways following this approach, thus backing up the broken windows theory (date). After realizing the positive results of aggressive order maintenance strategy, the brok en windows theory was then put to the test by the NYPD (Corman & Mocan, 2005). The NYPD were also only reaping the benefits from this decision. Deploying this strategy had an impact on the offender’s belief that the risk of apprehension was high, thus the NYPD sent a clear message to the community that law and order prevail over petty and serious crimes (Sampson & Cohen, 1988).Immediately after the implementation of order maintenance, NYPD saw significantly decreasing numbers in serious crimes such as homicide, robbery and rape (Corman & Mocan, 2005), the city ended up reaching its all-time low. Kelling in his later work wrote, â€Å"Both experience and substantial formal research demonstrated that disorder left untended ultimately leads to serious crime†¦ Fighting disorder, by solving the problems that cause it, is clearly one the best ways to fight serious crime, reduce fear, and give citizens what they actually want from the police force†. Kelling 1999, p. 29 a s cited in Gau & Pratt, 2008, p. 167). Another Dutch researchers conducted an experiment that revealed how visible social disorder increased an individual`s temptation to indulge in delinquent behaviour (Kaplan, 2008). A Dutch researcher, Keizer tested this theory by; â€Å"placing an envelope containing a 5 euro-note hanging from a mailbox†¦ when the mailbox was clean, 13 percent of passers-by stole the envelope. When the mailbox was surrounded by trash, the percentage jumped to 25 percent, and then 27 percent when it was covered by graffiti. (Kaplan, 2008, p. 1). It was evident that the presence of litter (minor disorder) increased the rate of crime double fold. This Netherland experiment bolstered the broken windows theory (Kaplan, 2008). On the contrary, these results fueled the debate of whether the broken windows theory was the driving force behind crime reduction in the area. While researchers tried to determine the root causes to a particular crime, the macro-social ap proach shed light on crime originating from â€Å"poverty, unemployment, racism, class conflict, etc. †(McCabe, 2008, p. 92) Kennedy and Moore (1995) believed that the police did not have direct impact on these crime causing issues, therefore no direct impact on crime. Harcourt was the main author to challenge the broken windows theory. He scrutinized the theory as well as the data gathered by author Skogan, statingthat although there were several measures of serious crime (assault, sexual assault, and burglary) available in Skogan’s research, he only disclosed the findings on crime correlated to robbery (Harcourt, 1998). This made Skogan’s work discreditable and biased.Another reason why broken windows was said to be invalid is due to people`s perceptions on the relationship between crime and disorder; whether or not they are separate entities (Corman & Mocan, 2005). â€Å"If disorder and crime seem to be different in the eyes of neighborhood residents, then order maintenance policing may have a fighting chance at crime reduction. If however, the two phenomena merge into one in the minds of those residents, then broken windows theory and its accompanying order maintenance policing strategies will need to be rethought. (Gau & Pratt, 2008, p. 170). Furthermore, the main concept of broken windows theory was attacked. The idea that if disorder is not found frightening, citizens remain on the streets, therefore streets are not being opened to criminals, thus criminal behaviour would not take place (Hinkle & Weisburd, 2006). Interestingly, the studies conducted against the theory have not given much attention to the relationship between disorder and fear, which was surprising given its importance in the model. (Hinkle & Weisburd, 2006).Studies based on broken windows are too inconsistent to be able to draw a definite line as to whether or not the theory was accurate and the possibility of integration into community policing. Researchers have stated that there are statistically better predictions of crime such as community stability and collective efficacy of the neighborhood, therefore police should not focus their time into â€Å"fixing†the broken windows theory but rather dedicate their time to other predictors (Weisburd & Braga, 2007).Consequently, if police were to dedicate their time on the other factors rather than on minor disorders there would be less objectivity in regards to police involvement (Weisburd & Braga, 2007). The authors point out that although all individuals would be in favour of collective efficacy, it was hard to address and improve upon (2007). Making it easier said than done. These other statistical predictors of crime were rational and helpful in regards determining all possible causes of crime, but they were far too ambiguous of concepts to be solved through practice (Weisburd & Braga, 2007).Thus broken windows theory was a practical option, it was applicable to any community and it w as able to be implemented quickly. According to the OACP Model order maintenance policing would be considered as part of the community mobilization and crime prevention sector. This sector allows the police to take charge and impact minor disorders preventing future crime while encouraging community members to get involved, thus transitioning toward safer communities and to the ultimate goal of low need for police assistance (G. Hanna, personal communication, Sept 11th, 2012).In conclusion, the macro-social approaches, lack thereof empirical evidence, relationship between fear and disorder as well as perceptions on social disorders were the critiques made against the broken windows theory. Despite these critiques, the theory proved to be true through real life application. Therefore I draw to the conclusion that it was and continues to be successfully incorporated into the current policing model. If police services in Ontario dedicate more time to target the social disorders visible in our communities, they will help build positive relations in the community.By restoring order in our communities we are another step closer to eradicating serious crimes (Wilson & Kelling, 1982). References Corman, H. , & Mocan, N. (2005, April). Carrots, sticks, and broken windows. Journal of Law and Economics, 48(1), 235-266. doi:10. 1086/425594 Cronkhite, C. (2004, March 1). Illusions of order: The false promise of broken windows policing (Book). Criminal Justice Review (Georgia State University), 29(1), 245-248. Retrieved October 1, 2012, from http://web. ebscohost. com. subzero. lib. uoguelph. ca/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer? id=50642dd3-c8cc-4a96-aa51-1baee6674c01%40sessionmgr114&vid=1&hid=107 Gau, J. M. , & Pratt, T. C. (2008, May 1). Broken windows or window dressing? Citizens (in)ability to tell the difference between disorder and crime. Criminology & Public Policy , 7(2), 163-194. doi:10. 1111/j. 1745-9133. 2008. 00500. x Gau, J. M. , & Pratt, T. C. (2010, August). Revisit ing broken windows theory: Examining the sources of the discriminant validity of perceived disorder and crime. Journal of Criminal Justice, 38(4), 758-766. Retrieved October 1, 2012, from Broken Windows Theory The notion that serious crime is stemmed from minor disorders and fear of crime was a well-developed hypothesis in the 1980s by James Q. Wilson and George Kelling (Hinkle & Weisburd, 2006). Wilson and Kelling (1982) had coined this theory as â€Å"broken windows†. Broken windows theory states that disorder in a society causes the residents of the society to develop fear (Hinkle & Weisburd, 2008). The authors go on to state that fear is the fueling source behind delinquent behavior, which resulted in higher rates of serious crimes (2008).The main concept of this theory illustrated that if police were to target and eliminate minor disorders through community policing, it would have an overall impact on the reduction of crime rates (Gau & Pratt, 2008). Broken windows theory was not accepted by all, in fact it sparked a great deal of controversy (Wilson & Kelling, 1982). The opposing views of broken windows theory argued that it was too weak because of the lack thereof empirical e vidence proving the correlation between implementation of broken windows policing methods and decrease in crime (Harcourt, 1998).The purpose of this essay was to compare and contrast the two different perspectives on the broken windows theory. This paper shall also conclude whether the broken windows theory can be successfully used within a community policing model. In my opinion the broken windows theory had enough substantial groundwork presented that it was successfully used within community policing. To begin, according to Clyde Cronkhite (2004) the theory was true. Cronkhite connects â€Å"disorder and crime as part of a developmental sequence†(2008, p. 46). The main concept that Kelling and Wilson stated, was that if small minor disorders such as littering, public drinking, graffiti etc. were tolerated in a society than it would spiral out creating more serious crimes (Cronkhite, 2004). Cronkhite (2004) gave reasoning behind their theory stating that serious crimes ste m from criminals assuming that once there was social acceptance of minor delinquent behaviors, the community became vulnerable and were less likely to act against such behaviors. Broken windows entails a process whereby unchecked visible disorder signals to residents that community lacks social control. This assumption is that the law-abiding citizens and the criminal alike are attuned to this signal†(Gau & Pratt, 2008, p. 164). Gau and Pratt (2008) gave an explanation as to why criminals tend to flood the streets when minor disorders are present in society. The authors reasoned that it is because the general public sought shelter or safety off of the streets which in turn allowed criminals to occupy the area (Wilson & Kelling, as cited in Gau & Pratt, 2008).From personal experience in third year of University I attended a midnight street walk of downtown Toronto, which allowed me to draw on the same conclusions as Gua and Pratt. During the street walk it was clear that certa in geographical areas provided an outlet for further crime to exist based on social senses, such as Regent Park. Also, based on physical evidence that remained on George St in front of Seaton House; needles on the floor, graffiti on the walls and empty alcohol bottles not only concluded that this area was a favorable environment for crime, but that indeed some form of illegal acts had occurred.Furthermore, Gua and Pratt (2010) discussed how the perceptions of disorder in a community instilled fear into its members and how fear created social disengagement from the community. The broken windows perspective outlined the cognitive thought behind what individuals viewed as disorders (Cronkhite, 2004). In other words, disorder was always in the eye of the beholder, which in this case was the community. The way the community interpreted the delinquent behavior for example littering, determined whether the community was going to reject or accept it into their societal values.Based on the c ommunity’s decision we must consider an outsider’s perspective on such behavior as well. James McCabe (2008) goes on to talk about how it was not the physical aspect of the act (litter in itself) but rather the symbolism it created that lead to increase in crime. McCabe also stated that if individuals saw littering as a threat to social order, this threat would no longer be overlooked or considered unimportant, instead littering would be viewed as a key catalyst to a chain of negligent behavior (2008).Fear was a result of the negligent behavior, fear also generated attachment to the visible characteristics of delinquency, helping outsiders derive a negative stigma about a community (J. Irwin, personal communication, Oct 3rd, 2012). Tepperman and Curtis (2011), provided an explanation as to why crime occurs based on the social functionalist approach coined by Emile Durkheim â€Å"in order to have a well-functioning society it requires values, cohesion and social contro l†(p. 19).This theory was based on the principal that social problems are socially created (Tepperman and Curtis, 2011), the social functionalist approach supported the original work on the broken windows theory, which stated that minor disorders are classified and looked at based on individual perception (source). Structural functionalist approach established that problems in a society originate from the observation of others’ consequences (Tepperman and Curtis, 2011). In this particular case the consequences of the minor delinquent acts created greater chaos.To combat the growth in crime rates in any geographical area, â€Å"broken windows philosophy entails addressing the minor problems in a community before they create conditions that welcome and/or permit more serious offences†(McCabe, 2008, p. 291). McCabe (2008) also theorized that if you were to control the disorder you could then control the crime. The outcome this theory had on police response was tha t it created the order maintenance policing strategy (Cronkhite, 2004). This was the gateway introduction to community based policing.Broken windows theory demanded that there be community involvement (McCabe, 2008). The positive correlation between community policing and reduction of crime rates, was not necessarily in the affects the police have on the disorder itself, but rather the sense of order being restored into the community through hands on approach (Sampson & Raudenbush, 2004). When the community saw active policing, and a restored sense of community, people began to feel safer within society and were more inclined to help with community restoration initiatives (McCabe, 2008).The order maintenance strategy operated based on a community policing model, which is known as The Ontario Association of Chief of Police (OACP) Model (G. Hanna, personal communication, Sept 26th 2012). Wilson and Kelling’s theory was based on the social science experiment of Phillip Zimbardo, who had studied the snowballing effect on vandalism at the Stanford University Campus parking lot New York City in 1969, once a vacant car was left unattended to (McCabe, 2008).Kelling and Wilson (1982), indicated that disorder and crime have a strong positive correlation based on the yielded results from Zimbardo’s experiment. The first to implement the order maintenance approach was the New York Transit Authority (NYTA) (Corman & Mocan, 2005). The NYTA tackled the Subway vandalism problem head on, they eliminated graffiti, and arrested those who tried to cheat the subway fare system (Corman & Mocan, 2005). Bratton the main leader in organizing the initiative, stated that the theory was accurate (Corman & Mocan, 2005). Bratton went on to explain that there was a dramatic drop in rime rates committed in the subways following this approach, thus backing up the broken windows theory (date). After realizing the positive results of aggressive order maintenance strategy, the brok en windows theory was then put to the test by the NYPD (Corman & Mocan, 2005). The NYPD were also only reaping the benefits from this decision. Deploying this strategy had an impact on the offender’s belief that the risk of apprehension was high, thus the NYPD sent a clear message to the community that law and order prevail over petty and serious crimes (Sampson & Cohen, 1988).Immediately after the implementation of order maintenance, NYPD saw significantly decreasing numbers in serious crimes such as homicide, robbery and rape (Corman & Mocan, 2005), the city ended up reaching its all-time low. Kelling in his later work wrote, â€Å"Both experience and substantial formal research demonstrated that disorder left untended ultimately leads to serious crime†¦ Fighting disorder, by solving the problems that cause it, is clearly one the best ways to fight serious crime, reduce fear, and give citizens what they actually want from the police force†. Kelling 1999, p. 29 a s cited in Gau & Pratt, 2008, p. 167). Another Dutch researchers conducted an experiment that revealed how visible social disorder increased an individual`s temptation to indulge in delinquent behaviour (Kaplan, 2008). A Dutch researcher, Keizer tested this theory by; â€Å"placing an envelope containing a 5 euro-note hanging from a mailbox†¦ when the mailbox was clean, 13 percent of passers-by stole the envelope. When the mailbox was surrounded by trash, the percentage jumped to 25 percent, and then 27 percent when it was covered by graffiti. (Kaplan, 2008, p. 1). It was evident that the presence of litter (minor disorder) increased the rate of crime double fold. This Netherland experiment bolstered the broken windows theory (Kaplan, 2008). On the contrary, these results fueled the debate of whether the broken windows theory was the driving force behind crime reduction in the area. While researchers tried to determine the root causes to a particular crime, the macro-social ap proach shed light on crime originating from â€Å"poverty, unemployment, racism, class conflict, etc. †(McCabe, 2008, p. 92) Kennedy and Moore (1995) believed that the police did not have direct impact on these crime causing issues, therefore no direct impact on crime. Harcourt was the main author to challenge the broken windows theory. He scrutinized the theory as well as the data gathered by author Skogan, statingthat although there were several measures of serious crime (assault, sexual assault, and burglary) available in Skogan’s research, he only disclosed the findings on crime correlated to robbery (Harcourt, 1998). This made Skogan’s work discreditable and biased.Another reason why broken windows was said to be invalid is due to people`s perceptions on the relationship between crime and disorder; whether or not they are separate entities (Corman & Mocan, 2005). â€Å"If disorder and crime seem to be different in the eyes of neighborhood residents, then order maintenance policing may have a fighting chance at crime reduction. If however, the two phenomena merge into one in the minds of those residents, then broken windows theory and its accompanying order maintenance policing strategies will need to be rethought. (Gau & Pratt, 2008, p. 170). Furthermore, the main concept of broken windows theory was attacked. The idea that if disorder is not found frightening, citizens remain on the streets, therefore streets are not being opened to criminals, thus criminal behaviour would not take place (Hinkle & Weisburd, 2006). Interestingly, the studies conducted against the theory have not given much attention to the relationship between disorder and fear, which was surprising given its importance in the model. (Hinkle & Weisburd, 2006).Studies based on broken windows are too inconsistent to be able to draw a definite line as to whether or not the theory was accurate and the possibility of integration into community policing. Researchers have stated that there are statistically better predictions of crime such as community stability and collective efficacy of the neighborhood, therefore police should not focus their time into â€Å"fixing†the broken windows theory but rather dedicate their time to other predictors (Weisburd & Braga, 2007).Consequently, if police were to dedicate their time on the other factors rather than on minor disorders there would be less objectivity in regards to police involvement (Weisburd & Braga, 2007). The authors point out that although all individuals would be in favour of collective efficacy, it was hard to address and improve upon (2007). Making it easier said than done. These other statistical predictors of crime were rational and helpful in regards determining all possible causes of crime, but they were far too ambiguous of concepts to be solved through practice (Weisburd & Braga, 2007).Thus broken windows theory was a practical option, it was applicable to any community and it w as able to be implemented quickly. According to the OACP Model order maintenance policing would be considered as part of the community mobilization and crime prevention sector. This sector allows the police to take charge and impact minor disorders preventing future crime while encouraging community members to get involved, thus transitioning toward safer communities and to the ultimate goal of low need for police assistance (G. Hanna, personal communication, Sept 11th, 2012).In conclusion, the macro-social approaches, lack thereof empirical evidence, relationship between fear and disorder as well as perceptions on social disorders were the critiques made against the broken windows theory. Despite these critiques, the theory proved to be true through real life application. Therefore I draw to the conclusion that it was and continues to be successfully incorporated into the current policing model. If police services in Ontario dedicate more time to target the social disorders visible in our communities, they will help build positive relations in the community.By restoring order in our communities we are another step closer to eradicating serious crimes (Wilson & Kelling, 1982). References Corman, H. , & Mocan, N. (2005, April). Carrots, sticks, and broken windows. Journal of Law and Economics, 48(1), 235-266. doi:10. 1086/425594 Cronkhite, C. (2004, March 1). Illusions of order: The false promise of broken windows policing (Book). Criminal Justice Review (Georgia State University), 29(1), 245-248. Retrieved October 1, 2012, from http://web. ebscohost. com. subzero. lib. uoguelph. ca/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer? id=50642dd3-c8cc-4a96-aa51-1baee6674c01%40sessionmgr114&vid=1&hid=107 Gau, J. M. , & Pratt, T. C. (2008, May 1). Broken windows or window dressing? Citizens (in)ability to tell the difference between disorder and crime. Criminology & Public Policy , 7(2), 163-194. doi:10. 1111/j. 1745-9133. 2008. 00500. x Gau, J. M. , & Pratt, T. C. (2010, August). Revisit ing broken windows theory: Examining the sources of the discriminant validity of perceived disorder and crime. Journal of Criminal Justice, 38(4), 758-766. Retrieved October 1, 2012, from
Friday, August 30, 2019
Lebron Interview Analysis
With this decision Lebanon composed this essay in o deer to explain himself; to his Miami fans and the rest of the world. Lebanon does not want to be hated in Miami. In Lebanon James' homecoming article he misleads the reader; coming home does not reveal his motives, basketball championships remain the main cause for betray Months after Lebanon James finalized his decision to leave, sports analysts debt dated the true reasons behind his motives. Coming home eases Lebanon decision, but f ails to reveal the entire picture. Lebanon James plays basketball better than any man in the world d, he obviously cares if he plays on a good team or not.Lebanon wouldn't abandon a talented t am for a subpart squad. â€Å"l went to Miami because of Dead and (B. †(Para. 3). Lebanon first moved due to appeal of talented players. Lebanon's second decision mirrors his first m eve. Lebanon will continue to argue that he desires to return home due to his love for Cleveland d, but he's hiding the tr uth. In reality Cleveland homes a championship caliber basketball team. Cleveland future seems promising with young stars like Keri Irving and now Kevin Love. Lebanon realizes this and seizes the opportunity. Going home just adds to the glory of it all.Even Though Lebanon grew up in Ohio, he loved his time away in Miami. â€Å"l will always think of Miami as my second home†(Para. 2). Lebanon loved Miami; leaving sol Ely off being homesick makes no sense. Lebanon stated that he would not move anywhere without a beach in an interview before revealing his final decision. In case you didn't know, the re aren't any beaches in Cleveland. Lebanon decided to leave Miami due to the potential of T he Cavaliers. Lebanon expresses his desire to win an NAB championship once again, especial Ii for Ohio. Lebanon acts modest about The Cavaliers skill in saying â€Å"We're not ready eight now. (Paragraph 8) in attempt to ease the hate from Miami fans. Lebanon attempts t o downsize the team by labeling them young and inexperienced, but he also acknowledges the Eire talent. Doing this allows Lebanon to appeal to both crowds. Despite his best efforts most see through his attempt to mislead. Lebanon acts like his road to success will take years. Lebanon compares his move to Cleveland to his first move made in 2010. He go sees on to say â€Å"I wanton win next year, but I'm realistic. It will be a long process, much 10 anger than it was in 2010. My patience will get tested†(Para. ). Success will come early and will not be short lived.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Correlative Conjunctions
Correlative Conjunctions They are defined as mechanisms that link only two balanced words, phrases, and clauses. The linked elements should be parallel or equal in terms of length and grammatical similarity. Verb agreement When two subjects are connected with a correlative conjunction, the second must agree with the following verb. Every single evening either the horned owl or the squabbling cats wake Sam with their racket.Every single evening either the squabbling cats or the horned owl wakes Sam with their racket. Pronoun agreement In the case of pronouns, the second antecedent must agree with the following pronoun. Neither Yolanda nor the cousins expressed their disappointment when blind Aunt Sophie set down the plate of burnt hamburgers. Neither the cousins nor Yolanda expressed her disappointment when blind Aunt Sophie set down the plate of burnt hamburgers. Primary correlative conjunctions in English: both . . . nd â€Å"It is difficult to produce a television documentary that is both incisive and probing when every twelve minutes one is interrupted by twelve dancing rabbits singing about toilet paper. †(Rod Serling) either . . . or Either John or George must have done this mischief. neither . . . nor â€Å"In nature there are neither rewards nor punishments; there are only consequences. †(Robert G. Ingersoll) not . . . but â€Å"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends. (Martin Luther King, Jr. ) not only . . . but also The Great Wall of China is not only up to 30 feet high and 32 feet thick, but also 1,400 miles long. Other pairs which can be used: as . . . as If you are as intelligent as your father, it will not be difficult for you to run your family business. just as . . . so Just as the holiday's basis changed from a historical to a mythological one, so too is it now changing to become more political than anything else. the more . . . the lessThe more he eats, the less he puts on weigh t. the more . . . the more The more the building shook, the more we held on. no sooner . . . than No sooner had I finished the meal than I started feeling hungry again. so . . . as The movie is not so interesting as the book. whether . . . or â€Å"I couldn't distinguish whether I was smelling the clutching sound of misery or hearing the cloying odor of death. †(Maya Angelou, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, 1970) http://www. towson. edu/ows/exerciseparal4. htm
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
River flowing through a village - High Atlas mountains in Morocco Essay
River flowing through a village - High Atlas mountains in Morocco - Essay Example But this transportation depends upon the how much area is available to the river for carrying the water downstream. The High Atlas is the biggest mountain range in North Africa. This area covers some of the most beautiful regions of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. There are a number of streams flowing with volumes of water downstream. Cross section of the channel of stream can be depicted as in fig-1 below; As the stream approaches leaves the hill areas and reaches the plain areas its width tend to increase owing to spread of the river. But at the same the depth also varies. The depth may become more or slightly less, but generally there is no drastic reduction in depth. In addition the average speed of the river also slows down in plain areas. Efficiency of a water channel is determined by the amount of water it carries along. The channel works as a conduit for water. Cross Sectional Shape of the channel keeps varying with position in the stream, and discharge. The channel becomes deep at places where the velocity of river is high and results in deeper penetration. In general both width and depth increase downstream with increase in discharge downstream. The channel will be termed as most efficient at places where it can carry the maximum amount of water. Tourism plays an important role in understanding the region, the country, its people and the region. Tourism is also an integral part of the economy of Morocco. After the terrorist attacks against Casablanca Moroccan economy was badly hit as the inflow of tourists decreased. The country is now gradually recouping the lost opportunities with gains in this major industry. i.e. The first direct economic consequences of the terrorist attacks against Casablanca are already visible in Morocco's major industry; the tourism trade. The High Atlas Mountains in Morocco are a major attraction for tourism and trekking events. The Atlas Mountains and Morocco's imperial cities are the main centres of attractions for Morocco. Besides the continuing efforts of the local government, in 2003, a USAID contractor (Chemonics International), selected southern High Atlas Mounta
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Disjunctive States Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Disjunctive States - Essay Example At the same time income per head is raising in the countries of the North where only 15 per cent of the world population live. This has led huge numbers of migrants from South to seek a better life in the North and this has created international political frictions. The goods produced by the South countries are less valuable for the developed countries. Moreover the North reduces prices on the materials exported by the South, imported by the North and increases prices on the materials exported by the North, imported by the South. The North has veto power and therefore it is a dominant decision-making authority. It reduces the ability of the poor countries to manage the global economy because their products are not needed and their opinion is not counted by the rich countries. That is why poor countries are usually unhappy with the management of the global economy because of the small role that they play in its organization. Since Lenin's time, many Marxists have attributed poverty in the South to the concentration of wealth in the North. Capitalists in the North exploit the South economically and use the wealth to buy off workers in the North. Widening North-South gap could create space for counter-revolution. Revolution should change the system and put an end to transferring wealth from the periphery to the North. Many people throughout the global South have turned to political revolution as a strategy for changing economic inequality and poverty. Today the most powerful third world revolutions are the Islamic revolutions in the Middle East. Even more than the communist revolutions of the past, Islamic revolutions are directed against the North and reject the Western values on which the international system is based. Like communist ones, Islamic revolutions gained support and legitimacy from the plight of poor people. When revolutionaries succeed in taking power, they usually change their state's foreign policy. However after several decades in power, revolutionaries come to support the norms and rules of the international system (which are favorable to them as state leaders). The origin of today's North-South gap returns to the colonization of the Southern world regions by Europe over the past several centuries. This colonization occurred at different times in different parts of the world. Globalists mentioned the economic exploitation of the South by the North, which is an essential element of the capitalist system. They argue that free trade represents an unequal exchange between the North and the South in the economy controlled by the monopolies of the North. To move from poverty to well-being this requires the accumulation of capital. Capitalism emphasizes overall growth with considerable concentration of wealth, whereas socialism emphasizes a fair distribution of wealth. Wealth accumulation depends on the meeting of basic human needs such as access to food, water, education, shelter, and health care. In order to manage the problem we should encourage the technology and innovation in the third world economies. The industrialization of the South can be achieved by a reform of the international market by evolution of the population (education of women and urbanization), diversification of economy through import and export substitution, and regional integration. Liberals suggest, to reduce the North-South gap within the modern economic system, the free trade as a way to promote mutual growth of all parties involved. The
Stock Simulation Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Stock Simulation Report - Essay Example Marginal requirement directs a person regarding which items to trade with. This is the amount of capital needed to do the business. It is determined by the amount that the person intending to engage in business has at his disposal. Some business requires huge capital to start, and when capital is inadequate, it would force you to try another one or stay out of it completely (Giles & Mark 34). Returns from the business also explain why businessmen would enter to it. Each day, there are wants that need a man attention. This is achieved through buying what is needed, and the means of exchange must be available. Through trading, individuals aspire to gain more returns than investments so as to keep their business up and running, maintaining their business in the process. Venturing to new market also explains why people would enter business. With stiff competition in many fields, there is need to try grounds which is not common to many. Stock exchange trade is among them and few who understand how it is done mainly benefits from its return (Giles & Mark 40). Improving the persons and states economy also justifies why enter this field. The performance of a country economy is based on its currency, thereby by entering to the market; people will significantly improve their living standards (Giles & Mark 23). There are a number of factors that affects prices paid for commodities in the market. Security stock exchange market has a control panel which determines at any given time what should be paid for certain products. People have no control over this as they only have to wait for price to favor them before buying or selling their assets in stock exchange ( Siddiqui 40). Loans due from debtors affect what will be paid for available assets in stock exchange markets. When individuals take loan and take long time to pay back, they reduces funds available in stock exchange, this prompt the need to take measure like increasing the prices of currency to help fill the
Monday, August 26, 2019
Biased Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Biased Media - Essay Example According to the web site, there are several steps to follow in order to detect bias in the news media. The following is a summary of those steps: First the source needs to be identified, focusing mainly on his/her political perspective. Second, identify the race and gender diversity of the sources. Third, establish the points of view of the reporters. Fourth, identify the standards, if there are double. Fifth, find out if the stereotypes limit the coverage to certain group. Sixth, identify the assumptions that are taken for granted and not evaluated any further. Seven, investigate the wording used in the reports. Eight, investigate if there is a lack of context. Nine, investigate if the headlines and the stories are related. Ten, what is the importance given to the story, find out if the coverage given to important news is appropriate. (How to detect bias in News Media. Also, the web site New Bias Explored, the art of reading news, provides a set of guidelines in order to investigate what forms the news bias take. These guidelines are very similar to the ones presented in the previous paragraph: Word choice, Omissions, Limiting Debate, Story Framing, Sources, The four influences of the news: Geography, Objectivity, Institutional Affiliation, The medium. (News Bias Explored, The art of reading News) With all these guidelines and the previous method, let us perform an analysis on a very well known subject and find out if the media is biased. The news would be "Spears will loose custody of children." (Spears will lose custody of children, Based upon the word choice analysis, the title nor the context include the word temporary. It misleads the public upon believing this is a final decision. The article is limited and omits the consequences resulting from the judge's temporary decision, for example how much child support would Ms. Spears have to pay if she was to lose the custody of her children. The debate is also limited since it only mentions small statement regarding the wishes of Ms. Spears and there is no mention of the purposes of Mr. Federline. The story has been framed since it evolves only around the fact that Ms. Spears will lose the custody of her children, when it might focus on the reasons to pursuit the new split conditions, thus changing the emphasis and context of the news. The only source mentioned in this article is Superior Judge Court, Scott Gordon, since it is a temporary decision, other sour ces might be irrelevant. Within the four influences of the news, within the geography guideline, there is not much debate since it falls under the regionalism, the news takes place within the United States. Objectivity is referred to the method of the journalist's searching for the truth. In this case, the reporter is only informing the public and not trying to obtain the truth behind Mr. Federline's new intentions. From the analysis method presented by, there is a double standard while presenting Ms. Spears habits and continuous usage of controlled substances and alcohol. Where as to, Mr. Federline's habits were not mentioned. The headlines and the story are partially related, since further down the article it mentions Ms. Spears' due date for her new album,
Sunday, August 25, 2019
On The Bold and The Beautiful is Katie suffering from Postpartum Movie Review
On The Bold and The Beautiful is Katie suffering from Postpartum depression - Movie Review Example Moreover, Bill cheats on Katie with Steffy and is tempted to leave her. When Katie finds out, she gets a heart attack that leads Bill into leaving Steffy after realizing how much Katie meant to her. Subsequently, she strives to reunite Bill top her stepson Liam but eventually bears fruit. Liam joins the Spencer family officially but encounters constant interference from his father in his love issues. However, Katie suffers from postpartum depression and is unable to connect with her baby William Logan Spencer. Partly to blame was the fact that Bill had refused to accept Katie’s pregnancy in the first place. Further, Bill suggests to Katie that she gets an abortion, but Katie declines. Bill justifies the abortion as an attempt to save Katie’s life, as he fears that she might not carry the baby to full term. For him, her well-being is his priority. Bill’s constant disappointments to her and her stepson also contribute to her not connecting with her baby. Her fear is that Bill might abandon her and her baby the way he abandoned his other son Liam. Therefore, this fact agitates her even more making her have minimal concern for her newborn baby. On the contrary, her concerns are baseless as none of these thoughts ever crossed her husband’s
Saturday, August 24, 2019
European fantasy sport analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
European fantasy sport analysis - Research Paper Example With the saturated point of Great Britain, the market of the fantasy league is gradually growing to build the brands to the outside emerging markets. The fantasy league is largely grown in three major countries in Europe. Germany, France, and Italy proved to be the best marketplace for the sports fantasy more especially in football. Mondogoal is a company that is based in the territories of Europe (Lupica, 2014). There were a number of reasons why it was based to Europe especially in football. There was a license that was issued in the Great Britain including England, Wales, and Scotland. Italy, Spain, France, and Germany are regulated thus it is time-consuming and costly to get a license. Most of the companies decide to partner with the companies that have already acquired the license in order to offer the service. Brazil has got no problem when establishing the fantasy sports company because as long as one is not based there, he or she can play the gamble game and earn cash. The on ly problem is that the market is new and its growing up (Blessings, 2012). Analysis of the marketIn Europe, the fantasy sport is very popular because the companies involved normally allow players to select from the real players from the sports. That is to say, the players of this game normally choose the virtual players online, all from the list of the players they adore. With the ardent fans of these game-winning prizes upon winning the game, it has penetrated in many parts of Europe (Collins, 2013).
Friday, August 23, 2019
Social Science Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Social Science Research - Essay Example This paper as the main task of tracing out the advantages of a comparative methodology that result in value addition in case study analysis ,on the one hand, and, on the other, this paper also explains the various pitfalls that are encountered in social science research when it deploys the comparative methodology. This analysis is achieved by carrying out a literature review in support of arguments in favour of and against the comparative methodology and by citing literature involving case studies that deployed comparative analysis as methodology. Seligson & Tucker (2003) report an interesting cross country study of two very different nations i.e. Bolivia and Russia. They attempt to arrive at conclusions regarding preference for ex-authoritarian rulers in public elections in each of these two countries which are otherwise very divergent in social, economic and geopolitical characteristics. In order to derive such conclusions the research deployed the comparative methodology. The researchers explain their research setting, conclusions and variables in following words, "In our research we find that a preference for authoritarian regime types is a key predictor of support for ex-authoritarian candidates for president in two vastly different countries: Bolivia and Russia. ... Despite the different past and contemporary economic and political characteristics of these two countries, voters choose to support ex-authoritarian candidates in free elections in part because they favor authoritarian regime types. Social capital variables, though, seem to have no effect on this vote choice. Pro-authoritarian attitudes, however, are not the only factors driving support for these candidates. In the Bolivian case our evidence suggests that voters may also prefer ex-authoritarian candidates because of concern over unemployment and corruption. In the Russian case, concern over the state of the national economy clearly plays a role. In both countries, older voters are more likely to support ex-authoritarian candidates. In Russia we find similar patterns for poorer and working class voters as well. As we have examined only two cases in which voters have cast their ballots for former authoritarians, there remain many questions for future research. As a first step, it would be illuminating to examine whether we find similar patterns in other post-communist and Latin American countries in an effort to make sure we have not merely stumbled upon an exclusively Bolivian-Russian connection. Moreover, this analysis was deliberately limited to Presidential elections to facilitate more seamless comparison across the two cases. Having established a realistic basis for comparison, future work could consider parliamentary elections, as well as sub-national elections, in hopes of seeking further evidence of the generalizability of our findings". It is clear from the above that the researchers are very wary of the conclusions reached by them after this comparative analysis. They mention the factors that may affect the
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Starbucks Coffee Essay Example for Free
Starbucks Coffee Essay Starbucks coffee has pursued rapid expansion both at home and abroad. In mid- 2004, Starbucks could boast more than 7,800 outlets around the world, and chairman Howard Schultz and CEO Orin Smith have no plans to slow the growth, ? The company planned at least 1, 300 more stores in 2004 and has a long term goal of reaching 10, 000 outlets in the United States alone. The presidents vision is that the company ? Starbucks? could have as many as 15,000 international stores. Today Starbucks has nearly 1, 500 store outlets in the United States including Europe , Pacific Rim ,Middle East and Mexico. ? Most of Starbucks international stores are now operated as joint ventures with local companies. Starbucks has to go fast or lose the opportunity ? and a local partner can facilitate rapid development of a new market. Executives are learning to adapt the companys operating methods and product offerings to better suit local conditions and tastes. 1) ? How could you classify Starbucks grand strategy and global strategy? Which of Porters competitive strategies is the company using? Explain each answer? ? ? We classified the grand strategy of starbucks pertaining to its Growth. In order for starbucks to sell and market its products is by: ? A. ?Allocating new funds to invest namely like prime locations and lots. Basically any establishment will earn more if the store is located in a highly busy route or place. Potential clients can be marketed. ? B. Investing in hiring the best and qualified personnel. In order for a store to run smoothly , the company should have competent and high breed of people who can manage the store and the same time enjoy the work itself. ? C. ?Purchasing of new set of equipments , glassware , lighting , tables and chairs can be a plus factor for a good ambiance. For the Global Strategy , Starbuck is implementing Transitional process where in they seek to achieve both global integration and national responsiveness. A true transitional strategy is difficult to achieve , because one goal requires close global coordination while the other goal requires local flexibility. However a lot of increased competition means they must achieve global efficiency , going pressure to meet local demands and national responsiveness. Starbucks designs quality stores to sell and market its products to use components in a few larger scale, basically , the company goes global to introduce it to other countries and to increase its market. 2. Discuss how top executives are using leadership structure , information and control systems and or human resource to implement international strategy? What steps would you recommend for implementing drive-through stores or Hear Music coffee houses? ? Top executives uses its leadership qualities by bringing Starbucks on a the right path and showing a vision for the company and its employees. Top executives have several ideas percolating to the companys growth. ? a. Establish rapport and solid partnership or joint venture with other countries makes things cohesive. b. ?Adapting the companys operating methods and product offerings to better suit local conditions and taste. Not all countries have same taste with regards to starbucks products. They sell what is needed and wanted. c. Acquiring highly skilled people barista? who can prepare , serve and enjoy the tasks. 3 Starbucks has typically maintained a uniform look and feel to its outlets and product offerings. What do you think this change might mean for starbucks in terms of further international expansion? ? ?Starbucks is known for there quality of coffee, excellent service and appealing ambiance. We believe Starbucks coffee is a brand and neighborhood name. You can see a starbucks store in a 2 km radius. Basically there everywhere. Making some changes the way they look and maintained a uniform type of set-up can only mean one thing. The Company is growing. Changes are normal. Most of the food and coffee establishments try to change and create ideas to in order to sell new products. As for starbucks , they should do the same to be more competitive and to increase sales and revenues. ?
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Ireland based on Dermot Bolger’s Family Essay Example for Free
Ireland based on Dermot Bolger’s Family Essay In The Family on Paradise Pier by Dermot Bolger, some interesting themes are brought to light about Ireland and the interactions of people living there. This is one work that tells the overarching story of Irish history from a cultural perspective and from a highly personalized point of view. Starting with the trials and tribulations of one particular family, Bolger uses this placeholder to delve into issues surrounding all of Ireland at that time. The Goold Verschoyle family, and more specifically the children, act as a clear representation of an entire class of Irish people growing up in the early twentieth century. Bolger paints the picture of an Ireland where people were often forced to struggle and where people experienced challenges as they attempted to make transitions. He paints a portrait of Ireland as a place that was fluid and dynamic, always changing with the times. Because of that, the people in Ireland had a hard time finding their place between the two World Wars and beyond. The political climate was such that people were forced to adapt quickly, and the socioeconomic conditions were such that even people with inherent advantages went through some struggles as a result of their heritage. It could be said that the Ireland in this Bolger work is a complicated and confusing place, and it is one where children are forced to constantly reconsider their goals, dreams, and aspirations. The author does his very best to frame the struggles of an entire generation through the experiences of one family, which might not be a complete portrait, but it is quite obviously representative of an entire sector of the population in question. One important theme to consider in this work is how Ireland changed over time. The author uses to young children in the story to show how expectations and how experiences changed as Ireland was brought into the war. In the beginning, Ireland was a place where children felt safe and they felt as if opportunity was on the horizon. The portrait of Ireland was a positive one at that point in time, though it would most certainly change as the story went along. The book, the author writes of young Eva, â€Å"Eva thought it was glorious to wake up with this sense of expectation. The entire day would be spent outdoors, with their family chattering away on the back of Mr. Ffrench’s aeroplane cart as Eva dangled her legs over the swaying side and held down her wide-brimmed hat with one hand in the breeze. Sure no other bliss to equal this†(Bolger, 2006). In this, one can see that Ireland was a land of opportunity in the early going. Children felt as if they had the world at their feet, with different chances abounding. It is certainly worth noting that these children grew up in a privileged home, but that does not change the fact that Ireland offered them something. It was a place where life could not get any better, and where the entire family had time to worry about leisure. As the story goes along, Bolger traces the development of Ireland, as it goes from being a place where children can play and enjoy themselves to being a place where fear is rampant. This all has to do with the war and the political transitions taking place in the country in the early twentieth century. As the work continues along, the children grow up, and that allows the author to take on some more serious themes. While the early part of the book is spent describing how lovely it is to grow up in Ireland at that time, the next portion of the book describes the children as they struggle to fit in with the changing political landscape. Additionally, it shows Ireland as a place where rigid rules dictate a host of different things. These rules dictate, specifically, how things are passed down and what role the oldest son will take as he grows older. This is something that was important in Irish society, and it is something that weighed heavy on the mind of Art. As with many items in this work, Bolger uses that character as a representative for his generation at large, tracing their collective struggle through his somewhat common experiences. The author writes, â€Å"All the house cats belonged to Father. Mother’s pleasure arose from holding any baby in her arms. Eva was the only baby she ever rejected, just for a brief moment after Eva was born. ‘Take her away’, she had ordered the nurse because – having already borne one daughter – she was convinced that she had been carrying that all-important son and heir†(Bolger, 2006). This shows not only the importance of the first born son in Irish tradition, but also the struggle that may have been felt by young women in Ireland at the time. Bolger paints a portrait of Ireland that is not exactly favorable toward women. Though it may have been a fine place to grow up for young Eva in the beginning, the society was most certainly slanted toward men and satisfying their desires. The fathers wanted and needed sons to carry on their bloodlines, which put a tremendous amount of pressure on the family dynamic, and causes some internal strife for daughters in Irish society at that time. Whether this is a clear and complete picture of Irish society is a debate all in itself, but this is the representation that Bolger puts into play with his words. One thing that that author is sure to touch on is the relationship of politics in the changing Irish society. Young men were almost forced to have a political opinion, and they were required to juggle this political activism with their own family responsibilities. Because the role of the first-born son was so important in Irish society, boys born into that role had certain expectations placed upon them. They were to be responsible, mature, and they were to make the best possible decisions. Family and society at large put these tremendous pressures on them, and boys were constantly pulled from their own thoughts to consider those things that the family held dear. In a society where the political landscape was constantly changing, this created an interesting dynamic for young boys. The author specifically uses the situation of Art to bring this point to light. He is one who is getting caught up the communist movement, taking to its nuances and trying to get more involved. Still, he does not quite understand how to balance his newfound political activism with the type of responsibilities and burdens that are placed on his shoulders by the family. The author writes of this, â€Å"All night Art had been arguing with university friends about Italian politics in Fletcher’s rooms near Blackfriars. Fletcher was not of like mind to the others: he saw nothing wrong in truckloads of Il Duce’s fascists storming into Milan to end the communist-led strike there with the black-shirted thugs tearing down the Bolshevik flags hanging from the town hall. Fletcher could not understand why Art took such matters so seriously†(Bolger, 2006). Art was caught up in the political movement and it put pressure on the entire family dynamic. As he became more of a free thinker, he began to question many aspects of Irish society. This inner dialogue provides the author with the perfect opportunity to expand out his thoughts on Irish society at large. This expansion goes into the â€Å"unchangeable†nature of life in Ireland. Though things all around the children were changing, with wars and political movements and new technologies, the children themselves had no ability to change their stars, at least according to the author. This is because of how the author paints Ireland as a society highly steeped in tradition. Things were set in stone years before, which meant that children essentially had their lives mapped out on the basis of random chance, and not on the basis of what they were capable of accomplishing. The first-born son is a perfect example of this, as he is to inherit all of the wealth built up by the family, while his siblings were left to fight for the scraps. This is something that Art had to grapple with, as he could not wrap his mind around why he had gotten so lucky in this regard. He saw this as a twisted society, and it was certainly not the portrait painted by a naive young girl in the early part of the book. As things changed in Irish society and the children grew, they came to find that perhaps their opportunities were more limited than they had originally figured. By no fault of their own, they were shoehorned into one particular life path, while first-born sons were able to enjoy the spoils of their fortunate timing. The author writes of this, â€Å"Yet the more he studied politics the more he realized that he was like them. All that distinguished him from his siblings was a fluke of birth, a throw of the dice yielding him absolute access to wealth while the others were left to scramble for minor bequests. Past generations had ensured that this was a chalice he could not refuse. Short of dying, Art had no means of breaking that cycle of indenture†(Bolger, 2006). What is interesting about this take is that the author actually paints it as a struggle for the person receiving the fortuitous treatment. This paints a portrait of Ireland as a society where even people who have the advantages are forced to feel trapped. Even though Art had everything that he could have asked for in order to make a success of his life, he still felt as if his life had little freedom. Perhaps that is why he associated so well with the communist movement, as it was something that seemed familiar to him over the long haul. It is important that the author painted the family as being happy and loving in the beginning, as it allows him to paint a stark contrast in the end. He represents the family as being torn apart by all of the environmental changes taking place in Ireland and in larger Europe during the years surrounding the World War. The author writes, â€Å"The Goold Vershoyle children were born into a respected freethinking Protestant family in a Manor House alive with laughter, debate and fascinating guests. But the world of picnics and childish infatuations is soon under threat as political changes within Ireland and the whole world encroach upon their private paradise†(Bolger, 2006). As the story goes on to describe, the family dynamic all about Ireland was being nearly destroyed by boys who felt the need to become politically active. As Art got deeper and deeper into the throws of communism, his family gained resentment, and the happy home was torn into something ugly. It was a place where people were once again being restricted, this time by the expectations that society so diligently placed on young men who were to inherit their family’s possessions. The author has Cousin George indicate in the book, â€Å"The family’s reputation was being indelibly eroded by Art’s willful madness in embracing communism, which he considered to be a cancer gradually infecting them all. Such lunacy might be all right for pagans like the Ffrenches, but his uncle was always too soft in allowing inflammatory discussions at the table†(Bolger, 2006). The need for discussion that burned within a newly active political generation was boiling over, causing tension and breeding strife that might not have been there in the beginning. In this, the author paints the portrait of an Ireland full of differing viewpoints, even within households. It was a place where people were forced to take sides, even if that was not a natural act for them. As things changed, the movement swept up everyone, so much so that it became a part of daily life for even the most respected families in the country. There are a number of representations of Ireland that are presented in this work, most of them dealing with the changing political landscape and the idea of opportunity. The author paints a portrait of Ireland that includes much inner-strife and he shows that it is a place where the goals and dreams of children are replaced by the realities of growing up. With communism thrown into the mix as an extra detractor from the family dynamic, he represents Ireland as a place that is highly splintered, with different viewpoints attempting to climb on top of one another for position and leverage. Works Cited Bolger, Dermot. â€Å"The Family on Paradise Pier†. 1 May 2006. HarperPerennial Purblishing.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Low Cost Leadership Strategy
Low Cost Leadership Strategy In the world of businesses today, every organization definitely needs information systems in their way of doing business. Laudon and Laudon define information system as a set of interrelated components that retrieve, process, store and distribute the information to support the decision making in an organization. In fact, those who acquire a decent information system would eliminate those who dont have to fight against it. The ever changing world of information technology brings new challenges for every organization to set up an information system that would provide numerous advantages. According to Laudon and Laudon (2009), there are six main reasons why business are investing millions of dollar in information system and technologies, among them are operational excellence; new products, services, and business models; customer and supplier intimacy; improved decision making; competitive advantage and last but not least, survival. Therefore, Aalsmeer Flower Auction (will be known as Aalsmeer throughout the research paper) who is encountering several problems would need the help of information system to overcome the problems. 2.0 Information strategy 2.1 Analysis of current situation Aalsmeer is facing threats from various sources and should utilize the information technology today in defending their business. Laudon and Laudon (2009) believe that the more successfully a firm can align the information technology with business goals, the more profitable it will be. Apart from that, business people who claim themselves do not understand information technology will pay a hefty price in poor performance (Laudon and Laudon, 2009). In the market today, electronic driven flower market is becoming more and more dominant than the traditional way of doing business. Besides, the competitive environments among the retailers encourage them to merge and forming a larger company with an increased in demanding power. Indeed, they are demanding fresher products, more varieties, smaller quantities and multiple deliveries and this inevitably exert pressures on Aalsmeer who needs to change their way of doing business in order to survive. It is advisable for Aalsmeer to adopt a new strategy for the organization to achieve their business objectives and ensure competitive advantage in the industry. The objectives of Aalsmeer at the moment are: Enable innovation for the business processing methods Redefine the value chain to reduce transaction costs Integrate smoothly with wholesalers and retailers Increase the market share to increase profit 2.2 Low-cost leadership strategy After examine the current situation of Aalsmeer, low-cost leadership strategy is undoubtedly the most suitable for the company now. Low-cost leadership strategy is centered on the capability of Aalsmeer to produce and deliver the products of high quality at low costs. A company having low-cost leadership when extends its value to customers expectation, can further strengthen its strategic position in the market place, (Alagse, n.d). In fact, information systems could be use to lower the operational costs and hence, lower prices for the customers. The typical example is Wal-Mart, which is a company continuously relies heavily on information system to reduce costs and this leads them to one of the largest profitable company. They replenish the products as soon as the customers make payments at the cashier. The computers collect information from the stores and send it to suppliers and therefore, Wal-Mart does not need to spend large amount of money on maintaining large inventories. Aalsmeer offer relatively standardized products with features that are acceptable to customers; in other words, with minimum differentiation at the lowest competitive price. In addition, Aalsmeer who are suggested to follow a low-cost leadership strategy need to maintain constant efforts aimed at lowering their costs, but yet creating values for the customers. Such efforts include investing in technologies, establishing tight control of production and overhead costs, minimizing the cost of sales and services. Specifically, investing technologies means to develop a new information system for Aalsmeer to achieve the objectives stated earlier which would be discuss later on this proposal. Implementing the strategy means Aalsmeer must consider its value chain of primary and secondary activities and effectively link them to be successful. The critical focus now is to increase the efficiency of how the business process. In detail, processes and procedures of selling flowers to customers must be simplified, achieving efficiency and effectiveness and last but not least, monitoring the cost of activities provided by others that interface with the companys inbound and outbound logistics. For instance, the delivery travel costs. Moreover, when Aalsmeer successfully implements the low-cost leadership strategy, it can still obtain a high return even when the Porters five competitive forces are strong. Porters five forces Explanation Traditional competitors When Aalsmeer is offering the lowest cost in the market, the competitors will undoubtedly consider competing in a price war, and even if it does, Aalsmeer will still continue to earn profit after the competitors compete away their profits. Customers If there is any customers tends to drive prices below the cost of the next most efficient company, that company might choose to exit the market and leaves the low-cost company with a monopoly position. Therefore, customers would lose bargaining powers when that happens since low-cost company would be in a position that has power to raise the prices. New market entrants Aalsmeer who successfully utilize the low-cost strategy generally will sell in large volume to earn high profit. This indirectly creates a barrier for the new entrants who need to enter the industry at large scale (large enough to achieve the same economies of scale with low-cost company). Suppliers Once Aalsmeer achieve the lowest cost in the market, it enables them to absorb a greater amount of cost increases from suppliers before it must raise prices charged to customers. Moreover, Aalsmeer who will be dominating the market may force the suppliers to hold down the level of price increases, reducing the power of suppliers. Substitute products and services Aalsmeer, as a low-cost leader will be in a more attractive position relative to the substitutes. They could reduce prices to maintain the price-value relationship to retain customers from going to the electronic driven market. 2.3 Enterprise Resource Planning The information system that is suggested for Aalsmeer would be the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), which can be define as a set of integrated programs capable of managing a companys vital business operations for an entire multi-site, global organization. ERP attempts to integrate the key business processes of an entire firm into a single software system that allows information to flow seamlessly throughout the organization. For instance, the transactions with customers and flower growers. Indeed, the key to ERP is real time monitoring of business functions, which allows timely analysis of key issues such as quality, availability, customer satisfaction, performance and availability. It is a set of integrated software modules and a central database that enable data to be shared by many different business processes and functional units throughout the enterprise (Curtis Cobham, 2005). Sources: extolcorp ERP functional units Financial and accounting The Aalsmeer is facing challenges from the electronically driven flower markets and due to this reason, it is vital for them to have a complete accounting system. All the transaction ought to be recorded quickly with no error or minimal error in order to let the other departments to take the next actions immediately. It also includes cash management and forecasting, credit management and financial reporting. It would gives Aalsmeer an edge if they could forecast the cash flow and make important decisions when necessary such as, stop buying stock of flowers when they flower markets are down in particular period. Human Resource Since consumers are demanding fresher products, more varieties and smaller quantities, the human resource definitely needs an information system that can divide the jobs to each employees from each department of the organization. Therefore, the company could satisfy the demands from the consumers. Besides, human resource process also involves performance management and travel expense reporting. The new system could do a performance analysis of the current situation and make necessary changes to it. Apart from that, the travel expenses such as petrol fees can be monitored closely to avoid any extra expenses being used. Manufacturing and production Whereas the manufacturing and production processes includes mainly the procurement process, which is the action of obtaining flowers at the operational level. As the problems stated, the growers are becoming more professional and starting to utilize the electronic way of selling their flowers. The system could manage the inventory effectively by not wasting any extra capital to rent the inventory, or having insufficient place to keep the flowers. This is to ensure the flowers are in good quality control and further strengthen the links between wholesalers and retailers when they actually get what is ideal for themselves. Supply Chain Management It is composed of three sub processes: demand planning, supply planning and demand fulfillment. Demand planning is to understand the customers buying patterns and then develop aggregate long-term or short term forecast of demand on the flowers. Whereas the supply planning includes the strategic inventory with distribution planning and demand fulfillment is to provide a fast, accurate and reliable delivery for customer orders. It also helps to determine what type of supplies is required, what quantities are needed to meet the demand, and how the shipments of supplies and products to customers are to be scheduled, monitored and controlled. Customer Relationship Management A system that helps in all aspects of customer encounters, including marketing and advertising, customer service after the sale and programs that retain loyal customers. Aalsmeer ought to understand the needs of current and potential customers to increase customer retention and loyalty, which leads to a bigger market share. With the processing system capturing data of every customer with the company, Aalsmeer would then know the best way to sell the flowers based on the analysis such as customer preference, time of purchasing, ways of purchasing and many more. This could ensure an increase in efficiency of the selling force and then, increase the productivity by focusing on the most profitable customers. 2.4 Advantages of ERP Agile manufacturing underpins the success of Smart car, DailerChryslers city car brand. Smart has successfully responded quickly to customer demands ever since they have adopted the ERP system from Baan, the Dutch software vendor (Geoff Nairn, 2003, as cited in Curtis Cobham, 2005). The optimized production is due to shorter processes but yet still came out with reliable products. Advantages Explanation Improvement of Work Process It ensures good work processes based on best practices which lead to increased efficiency. In this case, the ERP could helps in reducing costs for the organization, such as human resourcing or transaction cost. Besides, it eliminates the problem of synchronizing changes between multiple systems and provides a top-down view of the enterprise at anytime. Increase in Access to Data for Operational Decision Making The data is integrated from all the departments in the organization to provide excellent support for operational decision making. In addition, it allows the company to provide greater customer service and support, strengthen customer and supplier relationship, and also generates new business opportunities. The system connects the necessary software for accurate forecasting and this allows inventory levels to be kept at maximum efficiency. 3.0 Methodology 3.1 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Kay. R (2004) believes that System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a model created for an organization when adopting a new information system. In fact, SDLC is a sequential series of steps to build an information system and it is one of the most common development strategies. It is best to follow the SDLC which consists of five phases: system planning, system analysis, system design, system implementation, system operation and maintenance. The phases are interconnected by the inputs and outputs, and if the previous phase has poor outputs, the rest would be affected. 3.1.1 System Planning The first phase of SDLC is system planning, which happen when there is a request of a new system. Aalsmeer realizes that they need a new information strategy in order to remain strong player in the market. A preliminary investigation ought to be conducted to review the existing system and identify the problems. Indeed, a feasibility study could be carried out to identify whether the proposed new system is feasible to be implemented. If the new system is possible, practicable, reasonable and applicable in four main aspects, then the management should invest on it in order to get benefits in a long term. Aspects Why? Technical feasibility To determine whether a new IS can be developed with available technical resources. Does Aalsmeer Flower Auction have the hardware, software and equipments? Can it be developed with current technology? Economic feasibility To determine whether the new IS has a reasonable cost despite the changes it will brings Can Aalsmeer Flower Auction bear with the cost? Operational feasibility To determine if the new IS will be used effectively and efficiently after it is developed Are the changes to business operation minimal? Schedule feasibility To determine whether the new IS can be developed within an acceptable time frame? After conducting the feasibility test, Aalsmeer could then decide the actions to be taken based on the preliminary investigation report. 3.1.2 System Analysis Next, it is the system analysis phase, where the purpose is for Aalsmeer to learn how to improve the existing system, and then determine what the new system should do in order to achieve the goals. Therefore, the organization could find some facts about the current system, such as the strength and weakness of it and produce a report with what is required in the new system. Requirement Anticipation Requirement Specification Requirement Investigation In fact, Aalsmeer could gather the facts by study existing documentation, interview with employees, observation and questionnaire. Then, operational details and performance criteria need to be specified and examined, i.e. the speed of the ERP system after developed. After that, this phase carefully analyzes the information and then prepares a system requirement document which should include managements and users requirements, and recommended plan to develop the new ERP. 3.1.3 System Design This is the phase where after the management level has decided to develop a new system for the organization. A blueprint, which is a detailed plan that satisfied all requirements specified, needed to be develop at this phase. Aalsmeers management should discuss this with all the employees in order to develop a system that satisfies everyone. Programs related are written, tested and documented by the analyst. In addition, internal and external controls are to be designed to ensure the system would be reliable, accurate, maintainable at any time and secure. Lastly, this phase would end up with system design specification where the blueprint is presented to managements and the actual users for review and approval. 3.1.4 System Implementation At this phase, the developed ERP system will be installed in the organization. In addition, operational documentation and procedures of the new ERP system are prepared for the Aalsmeer employees. The employees would need to attend classes to be trained in order to utilize the system effectively. This is a phase of conversion from old system to new system. Indeed, the new system is a huge and complex one, so Aalsmeer could install the software step by step and therefore, it would not crash the whole system when some particular department has problem using it. Aalsmeer could create a legal contract that indicates the system is approved and will be signed by users and stakeholders (Stair Reynolds, 2008). A post-implementation system evaluation could be done to access the quality of the system. Apart from that, it is to examine whether the system operates ideally and are the costs and benefits within the earlier expectations. 3.1.5 System Maintenance This phase is an on-going process as the purpose is to support the operation of the system through proper maintenance, enhancement and protection. Under the maintenance process, any broken hardware is repaired or replaced to avoid any surprising break down. Besides that, the Aalsmeer needs to optimize the system to make the system run smoothly. For example, by compressing the data base, or delete the old and unused files. When there are any errors detected, modification should be done as soon as possible (Stair Reynolds, 2008). On the other hand, enhancement is needed at particular time interval to increase the system capability such as adding more hard disk space to store a large database of customer information. In addition, new functionalities and features could be added when there is a change in the ways of doing business. Lastly, the protection on the system to ensure it is not attacked by any virus or hackers. The firewall of the system is configured and monitored to minimize the chances of being attacked. Besides, backing up the database is definitely a good way to protect all the customer information which is private and confidential. King Stairs Software (n.d.) mentioned that a proper backup strategy is vital for business as well as personal users. 4.0 Impacts and effectiveness of ERP Systems changeover can be effected in some ways which not only has certain benefits, there will be drawbacks as well (Curtis Cobham, 2005). 4.1 Organization The purpose of this research is to identify a way for Aalsameer to strengthen itself in the market. It is believed that the company is able to reduce the operational cost, due to the effectiveness of the system to finish up the work in lesser time given. The new system would emphasize on the information technologies, where the large amount number of workers is no longer needed. Apart from that, the organization can offer lower cost compared to rivals. The ERP system enable the organization to fight with the electronically driven market and thus, accelerating the business growth. Besides, the budget saved can be use on the marketing campaign to promote the new system of organization to public, and thus, they would be well aware of the new operating business model. However, Aalsameer should consider whether the system supports the business objectives (OBrien Marakas, 2008). If the system does fully support the business objectives, it is worth to be invested even though they may face problems on capital, when hiring the system vendors to develop it. If the system does not support the objectives, Aalsmeer may need to re-consider the actions taken before. 4.2 Management Whereas for the management level, the reports statement such as invoice, can be generated through online now. It saves the time for everyone the processing time is cut down in a systematic way. To top it off, it reduces the workload easily and the burden of management level can be taken off. Therefore, it increases the efficiency of management level since they can rely on the ERP system more than before. By using a complete and efficient ERP system, it also reduces the error or mistake which could possibly occur when the work is done by human alone. The process of paper work simply becomes easier, simpler and faster for management and they could put more attention on other problems. For example, searching for more potential customers via new marketing communications. On the other hand, they can put more emphasis on matters that could possibly cut down the operational cost such as downsizing the number of workers in the organization. Since the organization is utilizing the ERP system now, it is possible to rely on the technology instead of human hand to do the work. However in reality, it may be difficult for the management to layoff the employees who may be had work for the company long time, but it is essential to make the decision as it benefits the organization, after all. 4.3 Employees Certainly, there would be several impacts on the employee of the organization, who is the direct users of the new ERP system. Firstly, it may create a chaos in them, where the new system would take over their position by terminating them. Besides, elderly employees who are not familiar with new technology, or not used to changes in working environment will definitely suffer in using ERP when the system is installed. Indeed, employees who are not good at adapting to the surrounding will face hardships this may create a negative environment in the organization. However, it is believed that after few months, they will eventually find themselves comfortable with the ERP. Moreover, the new system will ease the burden of the employees, and increase the time for them to focus on their work. For instance, they can provide a good and reliable quality of customer service which in long term, will bring up the reputation of Aalsmeer Flower Auction. Moreover, since the ordering and payment are all done online now, it simplifies the working process. Indeed, employee would be more ambitious in completing their tasks. 5.0 Conclusion All in all, Aalsmeer definitely needs a new information strategy as well as a new information system in order to achieve the business objectives. Ideas suggested to Aalsmeer are considered carefully and it is believed as the best way for the organization now. If Aalsmeer would to follow the proposal carefully, they would achieve the business objectives and make a success in the market today. References Books Curtis, G. Cobham, D., 2005. Business Information Systems. 5th ed. Edinburgh Gate: Pearson Education Limited Laudon, K.C. Laudon, J.P., 2007. Essentials of business Information Systems. 7th ed. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall. Laudon, K.C. Laudon, J.P., 2009. Essentials of management Information System. 8th ed. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall. OBrien J.A. Marakas, G.M., 2008. Introduction to Information Systems. 14th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Stair, R.M. Reynolds, G.W., 2008. Principles of Information Systems: a managerial approach. 8th ed. Boston: Thomson Course Technology. Websites Alagse, n.d. Promoting through leadership . [Online] Available at: [Accessed 2 April 2010] Kay, R., 2002. QuickStudy: System Development Life Cycle. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 5 April 2010] King Stairs Software, n.d. The importance of backup. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24 April 2010] Extol, 2006. Secured Enterprise Application. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 25 April 2010]
The Second Amendment - The Right To Bear Arms Essay -- Gun Bear Arms C
The Second Amendment And The Right To Bear Arms Throughout the years there has been an ongoing debate over the Second Amendment and how it should be interpreted. The issue that is being debated is whether our government has the right to regulate guns. The answer of who has which rights lies within how one interprets the Second Amendment. With this being the case, one must also think about what circumstances the Framers were under when this Amendment was written. There are two major sides to this debate, one being the collective side, which feels that the right was given for collective purposes only. This side is in favor of having stricter gun control laws, as they feel that by having stricter laws the number of crimes that are being committed with guns will be reduced and thus save lives. However while gun control laws may decrease criminals’ access to guns, the same laws restricts gun owning citizens who abide by the law; these citizens make up a great majority of the opposing side of this argument. These people argue tha t the law was made with the individual citizens in mind. This group believes that the Amendment should be interpreted to guarantee citizens free access to firearms. One major group that is in strong opposition of stricter gun control laws is the National Rifle Association (NRA). The NRA argues that having stricter gun control laws will only hinder law-abiding citizens. The final outcome on this debate will mainly depend on how this Amendment is going to be interpreted.      The Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights states: A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. (Amendment II 1791) This debate has produced two familiar interpretations of the Second Amendment. Advocates of stricter gun control laws have tended to stress that the amendment’s militia clause guarantees nothing to the individual and that it only protects the states’ rights to be able to maintain organized military units. These people argue that the Second Amendment was merely used to place the states’ organized military forces beyond the federal government’s power to be able to disarm them. This would guarantee that the states would always have sufficient force at their command to abolish federal restraints on their rights and to resist by arms if necessary. T... ... stricter gun control, the states are moving in a different direction. The reason behind this action is that the constitutionality of tighter gun control laws is becoming a question. Once the Supreme Court of the United States answers this question on the legality of infringing on the right to bear arms we will know what our exact right is. Works Cited [1] Cottrol, Robert, ed. Gun Control and the Constitution: Sources and Explorations on the Second Amendment. New York: Garland Publishing Inc., 1994 [2] Dowlut, Robert. The Right to Keep and Bear Arms in State Bills of Rights and Judicial Interpretation. SAF 1993 [3] Freedman, Warren. The Privilege to Keep and Bear Arms. Connecticut: Quorum Books, 1989 [4] Hickok, Eugene Jr., ed. The Bill of Rights: Original Meaning and Current Understanding. Virginia: University Press of Virginia, 1991 [5] Kruschke, Earl PHD. Gun Control: A Reference Handbook. California: ABC-CLIO Inc., 1995 [6] Image on the cover page taken from TIME. Photographer unknown. [7] Prune Yard Shopping Center v. Robins, 447 U.S. 74, 81 (1980) [8] Zimring, Franklin E., Gun Control. Encyclopedia Encarta: 1993-1997 Microsoft Corporation.
Monday, August 19, 2019
The Appalling Leadership of King Henry V :: European Literature
In Henry V, the actions of King Henry portray him as an appalling leader. Among Henry's many negative traits, he allows himself to be influenced by people who have anterior motives. This is problematic because the decisions might not be the best decisions for the country, or neighboring countries. The bishops convinced Henry to take over France because they would be able to save land for the Church. Henry doesn't have the ability to accept responsibility for his actions, placing the blame on others. Before Henry begins to take over a French village, he tells the governor to surrender or risk having English troops terrorize civilians. This way, if the governor declines, it would be the governor's fault for the atrocities that would occur. Henry has gotten his troops to go along with the take over by manipulating them. He tells the soldiers that what they're doing is noble, and that they should be proud. In fact, they're attacking another country in order to conquer it. Henry's charac ter comes off as coldhearted and careless. Henry shows ruthlessness towards civilians, threatening them with atrocities. He's careless with his soldiers, thoughtlessly allowing their executions, or playing hurtful games with them. France' takeover is mostly due to Henry's accepting advice from the bishops who had a motive for their judgment. In Act 1, Scene 1, Henry is promised a large sum of money by the Church to help fund his takeover of France. In order for Henry to receive the money he would have to vote against a certain bill that the bishops, Ely and Canterbury find obstructive to the Church. Soon, Henry goes to Ely and Canterbury to help him decide whether it's alright for him to take over France under Salic law. Clearly, Ely, and Canterbury would have a good reason to suggest Henry take France since he would have to accept the Church's money, and thus vote against the bill. Canterbury tells Henry he should pursue the take over arguing that it is illegal for France to use the Salic law since it originated in Germany. As well, he argues that the manner in which previous French kings have claimed the throne would have been in violation of the law. So with this argument Henry decides to go ahead with taki ng over France. The problem is that Henry's decision was motivated by a goal of the Church. A decision that holds thousands of lives at stake is decided on so one group of people could benefit.
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