Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on The Parent Trap
â€Å"The Parent Trap†The sinister thing about being an overprotective parent is that we often harm the ones we are trying to protect. For the most part that ends up being our children. In â€Å"The Parent Trap,†an article in Home Life magazine, Gary Thomas writes about â€Å"missing out on the best for fear of the worst.†He also writes that cowardice generates from being selfish, that fear is focusing on what might happen, and how to not be afraid and follow God’s call. You will actually have less to worry about if you quit worrying about these things and progress in life. We have all seen the domineering parent who will not let their child climb a tree for fear of falling; go skiing for fear of breaking a leg; or even eat certain foods for fear of choking. These parents think they are being a â€Å"cautious parent,†but in reality they are depriving and even harming their children. Parents use legitimate concerns as a veil and drive these thoughts to such an extreme that well-being becomes the absolute priority. Cowardice, born of selfishness, seeks to protect the coward first. When your children are babies you worry about fatal illnesses or high fevers, as toddlers it is the fear of them eating something they found on the floor and choking, in elementary school you fear them being kidnapped, and as teenagers it is drug abuse or premarital sex and unplanned pregnancy. â€Å"The fear of ‘what-ifs’ has stopped more good work cold than moral failure has.†Fear focuses so heavily on what might happen that it becomes blind to the good that might result. This method of parenting is not just â€Å"short-sightedness; it is pessimistic-sightedness: vision obscured by worry and blurred by fear.†Cowardice is enticing for anyone who is called to do God’s work. Think of how often God, Jesus, or an angel preceded a call to serve with, â€Å"Do not be afraid.†For example, in Matthew 14: 27, Jesus says, â€Å"Take courage! ... Free Essays on The Parent Trap Free Essays on The Parent Trap â€Å"The Parent Trap†The sinister thing about being an overprotective parent is that we often harm the ones we are trying to protect. For the most part that ends up being our children. In â€Å"The Parent Trap,†an article in Home Life magazine, Gary Thomas writes about â€Å"missing out on the best for fear of the worst.†He also writes that cowardice generates from being selfish, that fear is focusing on what might happen, and how to not be afraid and follow God’s call. You will actually have less to worry about if you quit worrying about these things and progress in life. We have all seen the domineering parent who will not let their child climb a tree for fear of falling; go skiing for fear of breaking a leg; or even eat certain foods for fear of choking. These parents think they are being a â€Å"cautious parent,†but in reality they are depriving and even harming their children. Parents use legitimate concerns as a veil and drive these thoughts to such an extreme that well-being becomes the absolute priority. Cowardice, born of selfishness, seeks to protect the coward first. When your children are babies you worry about fatal illnesses or high fevers, as toddlers it is the fear of them eating something they found on the floor and choking, in elementary school you fear them being kidnapped, and as teenagers it is drug abuse or premarital sex and unplanned pregnancy. â€Å"The fear of ‘what-ifs’ has stopped more good work cold than moral failure has.†Fear focuses so heavily on what might happen that it becomes blind to the good that might result. This method of parenting is not just â€Å"short-sightedness; it is pessimistic-sightedness: vision obscured by worry and blurred by fear.†Cowardice is enticing for anyone who is called to do God’s work. Think of how often God, Jesus, or an angel preceded a call to serve with, â€Å"Do not be afraid.†For example, in Matthew 14: 27, Jesus says, â€Å"Take courage! ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Intensive Pronoun Definition and Examples
Intensive Pronoun Definition and Examples In English grammar, an intensive pronoun is a pronoun ending in -self or -selves that serve to emphasize its antecedent. They are also known as intensive reflexive pronouns. Intensive pronouns often appear as appositives after nouns or other pronouns. Intensive pronouns have the same forms as reflexive pronouns: myself, ourselves, yourself, yourselves, himself, herself, itself, oneself, and themselves. Unlike reflexive pronouns, intensive pronouns are not essential to the basic meaning of a sentence. Examples and Observations I have never yet failed to meet a deadline I myself have set up.(Pat Schneider, Writing Alone and With Others. Oxford University Press, 2003)He wondered, as he had many times wondered before, whether he himself was a lunatic.(George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four, 1948)Janis Joplin was a name now associated with an image, one that had grown bigger than the woman​ herself.(Buzzy Jackson, A Bad Woman Feeling Good. Norton, 2005)Watching children make real progress in their language and literacy development is a reward with few rivals, especially because the children themselves greet their own accomplishments with such joy.(Katherine A. Beauchat et al, The Building Blocks of Preschool Success. Guilford Press, 2010)We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.(Mother Teresa)It seems to me, that if you tried hard, you would in time find it possible to become what you yourself would approve.(Charlotte Bro ntà «, Jane Eyre, 1847) When you, our white countrymen, have attempted to do anything for us, it has generally been to deprive us of some right, power, or privilege, which you yourselves would die before you would submit to have taken from you.(Frederick Douglass)Not until the problem itself is clearly diagnosed can a solution be found.(Toby Dodge, Trying to Reconstitute the Iraqi State. Crescent of Crisis, ed. by Ivo Daalder et al. Brookings Institution Press, 2006)I found myself hoping that by the simple fact of extending some humanity towards poor old Ned, offering the unfortunate wretch some small degree of genuine understanding, that I myself had played some worthwhile role in this new and most welcome world of equanimity.(Patrick McCabe, Winterwood. Bloomsbury, 2006) The Difference Between Intensive and Reflexive Pronouns The contrast between reflexive and intensive pronouns is well illustrated with sit down, an intransitive verb that can also be used causatively, e.g. She sat the child down. It can be seen that John sat himself down is a reflexivised causative, whereas John himself sat down and John sat down himself are intransitive, with an intensive pronoun that relates to the subject NP. Intensive pronouns are generally not placed in structural positions that could be filled by a reflexive pronoun. Watch is a transitive verb which can omit its subjectJohn watched Mary, John watched himself (on the video), John watched. In this case, an intensive pronoun from the subject NP (John himself watched) would not be likely to be moved to a position after the verb, since it could then be mistaken for a reflexive substitute for the object NP. However, an intensive pronoun could be moved after an explicit object NP (especially if there was a gender difference), e.g. John watched Mary himself. (Robert M. W. Dixon, A Semantic Approach to English Grammar. Oxford University Press, 2005)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Starbucks Structure Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Starbucks Structure - Case Study Example This paper highlights that Starbucks prides itself in employing people who like the company’s product: coffee. The company does not advertise for servers but for baristas or bar persons. Together with the coffee they love, a barista stays behind the counter. The Starbucks employee is expected to prepare beverages, provide friendly service to customers and come up with ideas to improve operations. An applicant must have at least a high school diploma. He or she must have worked at least six months in the food and beverage industry. He or she must also be outgoing, confident, able to multi-task and enjoy coffee. Because it has expanded globally Starbucks should employ departmentalization by geographic region. This type of departmentalization is appropriate for organizations with different locations. This type allows â€Å"managerial efforts that address territorial differences†as one strategy which had worked for one branch may not be suitable for the other branches in a nother part of the world. As the discussion declares the form should not be changed in stores with lunches and food products. Although departmentalization by product or customer may seem appropriate for these Starbucks stores because food products and lunches are not available in all stores, I think departmentalization by geographic area already provides enough flexibility to the store managers, district managers and vice presidents to make decisions they think would be beneficial for their stores. Taking the example of stores with lunches and food products, the group specific to the Asian region may take note that unlike people in the Western region, their customers prefer having rice or noodles for lunch rather than bread. As such, they should try to cater to this demand rather than go against a culturally staple item.Â
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Learning Style Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Learning Style - Essay Example There are, however, those that have admitted that if they want to be at time annoying they may stay in a mode that is different from the person that they are working with (Van, 2007). For example, when asking for evidence in an argument they might ask for written evidence clearly knowing that the other person often likes to use oral information. A multimodal learning preference can be described as a preferred way of learning new information or material that incorporates several different and diverse styles of learning. The different modes of learning that are combined in multimodal are visual and auditory. It is imperative to understand that one is a unique learner, and there is no one that learns exactly as another (PavicÃŒÅ'icÃŒ , 2008). However, there exist a lot of benefits in discovering one’s learning style. First all in academic matters, it often gives on a head start and maximizes one’s learning potential. Secondly, it helps one to succeed in college, or university as one is able to understand how he or she learns best. Further, one is allowed to learn more by overcoming the limitations of poor instructors as well as reduce the stress and frustration that is often accompanied by one not fully realizing his or her learning style. When it comes to teaching it is imperative for a tutor to understand the different learning styles of his or her student. The tutors must realize that all the students have different learning styles that are unique and for this reason they should be treated as such. If the tutor understands the different learning styles of the students, he or she might become an effective tutor because information will be released easily. Research often suggests that each person often tends to adopt a particular approach when studying (Van, 2007). My preferred learning style is multimodal; this is because this learning style is a combination of all the learning styles. It involves auditory, and visual.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
History of Philosophy Essay Example for Free
History of Philosophy Essay Refer to next paragraph. On the 11th of March, 2002, fire struck a girls school in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Firemen and concerned citizens were quickly on the scene. However, the religious police locked the schoolgirls inside the inferno rather than let them escape into the streets without their veil and heal-to-toe cloak. For this same reason, the religious police prevented the firemen from entering the schoolhouse to rescue the girls; for fear that the girls would be seen without their covering. Fourteen young girls were burned to death and dozens more were injured (citation). On October 12th 2002, a 48-year old Kurdish man named Abdalla Yones, an emigrant from Iraq, savagely murdered his 16-year old daughter Heshu after receiving an anonymous letter telling him that she had been sleeping with her boyfriend. (Asthana Mistry). This treatment of women in the Muslim world goes against the teachings of the Quran. This isn’t the real assignment. Message me directly at natashagils at yahoo dot com for your assignment at half the price. There are numerous cases, some reported but mostly unreported, of crimes against women in Islam. Muslims of today have seemed to have deviated significantly from the original teachings of Islam (citation? ). Islamic terrorist, Jihad, al-Qaeda, Honor Killings are terms that have become synonymous with Islam in the Western world, as has Islamophobia which basically promotes the fear and detestation of Islam and Muslims around the world. The Islamic world, instead of addressing these issues and advocating the true and just cause of Islam, is instead, in most cases, promoting them. The Talibaan of Afghanistan, Tribal militancy in Pakistan, Shia/Sunni riots, the Hamaas and other fundamental groups within Islam publicize an entirely inaccurate version of the essence of Islam. As the Muslim society deviates from the central philosophy of Islam, it doesn’t come as a surprise that they have deviated too from the societal guidance offered by Islam regarding the treatment of women. The Quran, the Holy Book of the Muslims, and the Sunnah (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad) have laid down clearly defined rights of women, most of which aren’t adhered today. Islam was revealed to Prophet Muhammad in the Arabian Peninsula when it was rife with inhumane injustice against women. Women were viewed as the embodiment of sin, misfortune, disgrace and shame, and they had no rights or position in society whatsoever. Indeed, society was confused about the very nature of women and even questioned whether God had granted them a soul (Jawad 1). Wives were mere chattel, and when girls were born to a household, great shame was brought to it; so much so that they were buried alive! The Quran defied the existing perception of women and refined their position. It outlawed female infanticide and restored their birth rights . Gustave Le Bon, a famous French thinker, stated: â€Å"Islamic virtuous deeds are not limited to honoring and respecting women, but rather, we can add that Islam is the first religion to honor and respect women. We can easily prove this by illustrating that all religions and nations, prior to the advent of Islam, caused much harm and insult to women. †(Bon 488). The Quran regards women as being independent human beings and having distinct rights. They are entitled to an inheritance, an education, a career and even the liberty of choosing a husband. Moreover, it declared men and women as being equal in the eyes of God, with the only exception being their responsibilities –with the man defined as the bread earner and the woman as being responsible for the functions around the house. According to the Quran, O you who believe! You are forbidden to inherit women against their will, and should not treat them with harshness (Holy Quran, Surah An-Nisa 4:19) The Prophet Muhammad, in this context, is said to have said, ‘All people are equal, as equal as the teeth of a comb. There is no claim of merit of an Arab over a non-Arab, or of a white over a black person, or of a male over a female. Only God fearing people merit a preference with God’. Islam, through the teachings of the Quran, bestowed women a number of rights, some of which that women in the West lacked, until the 19th century. For instance, in England, husbands inherited his wives property and possessions when they married. This unfair tradition continued till as late as 1882 (citation? ). Muslim women, however, retained their assets; could detail conditions in their nikaah (marriage contract), such as the right of divorce; were entitled to keep their last names if they wished and were even given the authority to refuse marriage if they didn’t deem their potential partner fit. The Quran laid down these injunctions in 610 A. D. (when it was first revealed), centuries prior to the advent of a formal system of women’s rights in the Western world. Some of the fundamental rights the Quran gives women are: 1. Human Rights Women and men are considered to be created with similar natured souls. They are considered equal to men in all spheres of life. And for women are rights over men similar to those of men over women. (Holy Quran, 2:226) And O mankind! Be dutiful to your Lord, Who created you from a single person (Adam), and from him (Adam) He created his wife (Eve), and from them both He created many men and women and fear Allah through Whom you demand your mutual (rights), and (do not cut the relations of) the wombs (kinship). Surely, Allah is Ever and All-Watcher over you. (Holy Quran, Surah Al-Nisa 4:1). 2. Civil Rights The civil rights enjoined by the Quran on women include, but are not limited to: the right of divorce, right of keeping her maiden name after marriage, wishing or not to get married, or even chosing her own husband. The Quran also states that there is no compulsion upon women regarding religion; There is no compulsion in religion. Verily, the Right Path has become distinct from the wrong path. Whoever disbelieves in Taghut [anything worshipped other then the Real God (Allah)] and believes in Allah, then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that will never break. And Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower. (Holy Quran, Surah Al-Baqarah 2:256). 3. Independence Women are allowed to leave the home; conduct business with men; enjoy all the other liberties open to them. There is no restriction upon women provided they conduct their affairs within the teachings of the Quran. Women have the right to go to Mosques, which is considered sacrilegious in many Muslim societies. Not only that, but women have also the right to be Muslim pastors. Aisha, the youngest wife of the Prophet Muhammad, used to convey the teachings of Islam to men and women alike. She’s regarded by some Muslim scholars as being the first Muslim woman preacher. The Quran is very clear in its laws regarding women. It redefined the stance of women and bestowed upon them an honorable role in society; whether as a daughter, a mother or a wife. Men are instructed in their fair and kind dealing towards women. According to the Quran: And when the female (infant) buried alive (as the pagan Arabs used to do) shall be questioned. For what sin she was killed? †(Holy Quran, Surah At-Takwir 81:8-9). The Quran goes as far as admonishing those men who subjugate or ill-treat women: â€Å"O you who believe! You are forbidden to inherit women against their will. Nor should you treat them with harshness, that you may take away part of the dowry you have given them except when they have become guilty of open lewdness. On the contrary live with them on a footing of kindness and equity. If you take a dislike to them, it may be that you dislike something and God will bring about through it a great deal of good†. (Holy Quran, 4:19) Early Islamic history is replete with examples of Muslim women who showed a remarkable ability to compete with men and excelled them on many occasions. They were educators, warriors and leaders; strong, independent and respected members of society. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case in most of the Muslim world today. Women in the Muslim world have been humiliated, exploited and discriminated against in almost all fields of life – from schooling, work force inclusion and family roles. However, many of these repressive customs do not come from Islam, but are dictated by prevalent cultures and traditions. Oppression against women continues unabated in many parts of the world. Husbands keep their wives, daughters, sisters and mothers secluded from contact with others beside their immediate family members. Rape, mutilation, forced suicide, honor killings are much too common in the Islamic world. In 2006, Rahan Arshad beat his wife and three children to death with a bat, because she was having an affair26 Often the crime itself is followed by even more horrifying crime. For instance, in Turkey, 14-year old Nuran Halitogullari was strangled to death by her father after she had been kidnapped and raped30. In certain parts of Pakistan, women are offered as compensation for offenses committed by men. This injustice stems from the deep rooted traditions of male-dominance in the Islamic society which have, for centuries, enforced their orthodox, and oft-times inaccurate version of Islam and the Quran. Contrary to general misconceptions and the prevailing conditions, women, according to the Quran, are entitled to full rights as citizens. Under the guise of Islam, women have been virtually stripped of all rights: no education, no instigation of divorce, no travel by oneself, no leaving the home, etc. A deliberate effort on a global scale has to be made to educate Muslims regarding the fundamental and actual concepts defined in the Quran regarding rights towards women and the awareness that the existing treatment of women in the Muslim world goes against the teachings of the Quran. Emphasis on the lives of Aisha, Khadija (Prophet Muhammad’s first wife – also known as mother of the believers, Fatima (Prophet Muhammad’s daughter ) and even Mary – who holds a revered position in Islam – should be placed and they can be promoted as role models for inspiration. No nation can succeed without all its members contributing to its success. Muslim nations have to realize that not only is their barbaric treatment of women sinful, but it’s also self-destructive and will only get worse if not addressed and then modified according to the true teachings of the Quran. Treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed helpers. (Ismail 83). ? Works Cited Asthana, A. and Mistry. U. For Families that Fear Dishonor, There is Only One Remedy†¦ Murder. The Observer, 5 October, 2003. Bon, Gustave Le. The Arab Civilization. Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1884. Ismail, Imam Vehbi. Muhammad, the Last Prophet: The Last Prophet. Jordan: Amana
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Hoop Dreams :: Hoop Dreams
Hoop Dreams               Hoop Dreams is a story about two young men who want to become basketball players in the NBA. The author Ben Joravsky wrote the book. The idea for the book came from the documentary movie, Hoop Dreams, which is a true story. Arthur Agee and William Gates are the names of the two boys who were followed from eighth grade to twelve grade to do the movie. Arthur Agee was a 5'6 125 pound guard from the playgrounds of Chicago when St Joseph recruiters saw him. Arthur was playing against guy's three years older than he was and he was still the best in the neighborhood. Arthur's parents Bo and Sheila Agee were very poor people who were on cocaine and could not support their family. Big Earl, the guy who recruited Arthur told his family that St. Joe's would be able to pay Arthur's tuition if he played basketball for them. Arthur went to St. Joe's and met William Gates. They had become friends in grade school but had never really done anything together. Eventually William turned out to be the b etter player and all the attention and money was focused on him. Therefore, Arthur was booted out of St. Joe's in the middle of the school year. He was forced to enroll at Marshall, the area public school. As a result, Arthur could see his dreams of the NBA were slipping away. Along with that, he couldn't keep his grades up enough to attend a Division I school. He and the Marshall Commandos ended up going downstate Arthur's senior year. They finished third in the state overall. Arthur ended up going to a junior college named Mineral Area in Flat River Mississippi. After his two years in Mississippi, Arthur received a scholarship to Arkansas State. He finished his degree in communications and he graduated. Arthur never did reach his dream of going to the NBA, at least yet. As you can see, it takes a lot for an inner city boy to try and reach his dream, but most of the time it never happens. William Gates was also 14 when he was recruited to go to St. Joseph. He and Arthur both had to wake up around 5:30 every morning so they could get on the subway to make it to school in time.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Napa Valley Winery Inc
Quintal realized that the quantity of red table wine produced is closely associated to the sales. Ms. Quintal reviewed her past sales in order to predict future sales based on the amount of wine produced in 2008. The issue Quintal faced was the seasonality of wine sales; December being its peak time in sales. After careful consideration, Quintal determined that although her previous forecasting method had worked from an operational standpoint, however, there was still room to improve its accuracy.Quintal has to determine what the forecasting profits will be for the next 16 months (Septet's to DCE 2009) prior to the conclusion of any business deals with Transcontinental. The software that was used in order to predict the future sales was Stools. Stools provided me with four different methods (Moving Averages, Simple, Halt's & Winters' exponential smoothing) of forecasting to identify the most accurate prediction possible. With a Means Absolute Percentage Error (MAPS) of 3. 72% the Hal t's exponential smoothing method was determined to be the best method of predicting monthly wine sales for the next sixteen months (Figure 2).Background/Additional Research on Nap Valley Wineries The Nap valley is known for its stylish and exquisite wine blends. The highly acclaimed Paradox Winery was founded in 1994 and its current wine maker is David Marches'. Paradox is the only winery that is truly devoted to wine blends in the Nap Valley. Paradox has four different estates that produce grapes with distinct attributes that reflect the variations in soil, terrain, micrometer, and exposure. This vineyard has created a blend of zinfandel, Cabernet Sauvignon, along with smaller amounts of Merlot and Petite Sarah to create the first Paradox vintage.One of Paradox's quality wines is the 2006 Postmark Monitor Ledge Vineyard Red Wine. This lend of Zinfandel paired with Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot originates solely from our Monitor Ledge Vineyard which is known for producing concentrat ed and structured wines. This wine highlights red cherry and rose petal aromas, with notes of blueberry, blackberry, smoky cedar and cola. The flavors of the red fruit and warm blackberry with a dash of cinnamon spice. Analyzing the Problem The data used was gathered from previous sales from Jan. 2000 through Gauge. 2008.This data will be used in forecasting sixteen month time period starting with Septet. 2008 and all of 2009 wine sales. The forecasting tool used was Stools, which eloped in determining the total wine sales for the next sixteen months. The question that will be addressed: What is Northern Nap Valley Winners projected sales for the upcoming sixteen months? To better answer this question there are four different methods of forecasting (Figure 5 Moving Averages, Figure 4 Simple, Figurer Halt's & Figure 3 Winters' Exponential Smoothing) that will be used, of those four one will give the best prediction based on the past data.Forecasting methods where done dissocialized. The Mean Absolute Percentage Error is important when forecasting data. The closer the MAPS is to zero the more accurate the forecast. This will be the catalyst in determining the accuracy of the forecasts. Runs test (Null Hypothesis of Randomness) Prior to doing any forecasting it is important to determine whether or not the data is random or nonrandom. The software used to conduct the Runs Test for Randomness was Stool's. This test was used in order to determine if there were too many or too few runs in a series of data.Figure 5: Moving Averages I I Forecasting Constant I Forecast I Span 13 Mean Abs Err 1683. 03 631. 59 I I Moving Averages 1460. 00 1480. 16 I Root Mean Sq Err 14. 12% By using Stools a graph was formulated to show the fluctuation of sales from Jan 2000 through DCE. 2009. The moving average in this case for the next sixteen months produced a MAPS of 4. 12%. A MAPS of is considered to be very good so 4. 12% has limited forecasting errors and would be considered an exc ellent forecast. Although, the MAPS for the moving average was considerably accurate, the Halt's method produced a MAPS of 3. 2% which indicative of a more accurate forecast. The difference between the Moving Averages method and the Halt's method is the MAPS of . 4%, which makes the Moving Average less accurate than the Halt's Exponential Smoothing Method. Conclusion and Recommendation It is apparent that wine sales fluctuate monthly which could be based upon changes in the economy, climate, or preference. Annual forecasting is not conducive to wine sales since wine fluctuates on a monthly basis. An example of wine lactating would be in August sales are low but, in sales are at its peak.Ms. Quintal should forecast future sales on a monthly basis in order to maintain a more accurate account sales activity. It is recommended that Ms. Quintal utilize Stools as a means of automating her forecasting task and maintaining continuity of records. According to the sixteen month forecast the a mount of wine produced is closely related to the amount of wine sold. Reference Nap valley wineries. (2011, November 16). Retrieved from http:// www. Banqueters. Com/nap_valley_wineries. HTML (2011, November 16). Retrieved from http://www. Wisped. Org/
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Purpose of Art Essay
The quote â€Å"Anyone who says you can’t see a thought simply doesn’t know art†by Wynetka Ann Reynolds. Reynolds is saying in this quote that you need some thinking or imaginations to see or do art. I think, If someone can’t see and figure that out, how can he draw or write music ? . In this quote Reynolds is saying that the purpose of art is thinking, like an imagination, imagination is the true inspiration of art. Without imagination we can’t have art. Also without imagination other items like philosophy itself cannot exist. The Art needs imagination or thinking. Art Should need imagination, for example, young children draws something unexpected, interesting even surprising for old peoples point of view, because they have lot of imaginations. Like they draws about speaking birds, talking dogs, those imaginations will give them more inspiration which eventually led them to be creative. A photographer must imagine what the end result will look like before snap the picture. Writer must imagine what his reader will see or comprehend when they have finished reading the article. Musician, whether creating a musical piece or plying an existing piece, must imagine what the music looks and sound like, and what those who hear it will hear, see and feel. Any form of art MUST involve imagination. Imagination is used in all aspects of life. Every inventor, artist, doctor, architect, â€Å"all people†use imagination. You have to be a creative thinker to produce anything. Which did not exist before It takes vision, imagination and intelligence to implement a new concept. The Artists should use imagination to talk or express their thought. Without imagination art itself cannot exist, it just will be one of copying thing without creativity.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Perl essays
Perl essays Living in an age of technology, the world is constantly coming up with new ways to make our lives easier (or sometimes more complex depending on how you look at it). Now with the help of the open source community, programming languages are blossoming from a small idea of a lonely programmer. Perl, a specialized language invented by Larry Wall, is a language that flourished in the hands of open source contributors. While working for the National Security Agency on a project known as Blacker Larry Wall created Perl. He was trying to produce some reports from a Usenet-news-like hierarchy of files for a bug-reporting system and the language he was using, awk, ran out of steam. He explained Perls beginnings as follows: The Beginnings of Perl were directly inspired by running into a problem I couldnt solve with the tools I had. Or rather, that I couldnt easily solve. As the Apostle Paul so succinctly put it, All things are possible, but not all things are expedient. I could have solved my problem with awk and shell eventually, but I possess a fortuitous surplus of the three chief virtues of a programmer: Laziness, Impatience, and Hubris. I was too lazy to do it in awk because it would have been hard to get awk to jump through the hoops I was wanting it to jump through. I was too impatient to wait for awk to finish because it was so slow. And finally, I had the hubris to think I could do better. (Knapen 1) Although the Blacker project has long since died, Perl continues to grow and change in many ways. Larry Wall, the son of a pastor, majored in Natural and Artificial languages and attended graduate school in linguistics. This focus on languages and their structures helped Wall understand the needs of a text crunching programming language. Perl itself was created and continues evolving by combining features from C, sh, csh, grep, sed, awk, Fortran, COBOL, PL/...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Domain Level Cookies JavaScript Example
Domain Level Cookies JavaScript Example Web sites often have a www. sub-domain that points to the same content as the main domain. With session cookies our visitor has either accessed our site with the www. or they have accessed it without and so the fact that a cookie created for www.example.com is not accessible from example.com isnt going to matter. With first-party cookies, a visitor may very easily access our site the first time as www.example.com and the second time as example.com and so we want to create a cookie that will be accessible from both. Creating a Domain Level Cookie To make a cookie accessible from the entire domain including any sub-domains we just add a domain parameter when setting the cookie as demonstrated in this JavaScript example. You should, of course, substitute your own domain name for example.com (as example.com is a domain name specifically reserved for use in examples where it represents whatever domain name you are really using.) writeCookie function(cname, cvalue, days) {var dt, expires;dt new Date();dt.setTime(dt.getTime()(days*24*60*60*1000));expires ; expiresdt.toGMTString();document.cookie cnamecvalueexpires; domainexample.com;}
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Annotated Bibliography Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Annotated Bibliography - Assignment Example In this book, the author gives information on the latest designs that are used in the aircraft industry. Among the recent materials used are the composite materials which have been highly rated. The author is an associate in the Royal Aeronautical Society, which makes the book have full information on the development of the aircraft industry. The federal aviation gives information on all the acceptable standards of materials used in making aircraft and the manual that can be used by pilots in the course of their working. The federal foundation is a body that controls the aircraft industry with control over a number of issues. This material hives information on how the technology has been improving in using composite materials in making aircraft. The author incepts that there are advantages in the use of the composite materials. The author is the head of strength analysis group. National oceanography centre. (27th June 2006). Composites in aerospoace- case studies. Southampton: National oceanography centre. Retrieved from: http://www.infosys.com/industries/aerospace-defense/case-studies/documents/living-composites.pdf With a team of experts, the national oceanography gives the case studies that have been used in making the composite materials a success. The experts have studied the use of the composite materials and how they should be improved in their usage. Edwards T. (September, 2008). Composite material revolutionizes aerospace engineering. New York: Engineering consultancy Atkins. Retrieved from: http://www.ingenia.org.uk/ingenia/issues/issue36/edwards.pdf Edwards gives all the information that is used in making the composite materials used in the aerospace. This information also gives the future of the use of composite materials as the technological improvement of aeronautical engineering. Edwards is a chief structural engineer and has ample information about composite
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