Saturday, May 23, 2020
Prejudice Ignorance Of Man - 1434 Words
Prejudice : Ignorance of Man An African American man, and a white man, can be more genetically different than two white man can ever be. The story To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, the story expressed the character Scout in her story throughout Alabama where racial profiling shapes society. Atticus, her father, is the man who stands up for these rights in a jury case again an African American named Tom Robinson. Found guilty, because of his race not being what is socially acceptable as capable of being innocent. Prejudice, and the act of negative judgement, leads to discrimination of those judged and the unrightful treatment of them. This prejudice is shown throughout the story, and characters judged by things such as race, social†¦show more content†¦The story does not have one side, because through the hatred of one, opposing hatred occurs as well, people hate the people that hate them. When going to an African American church, Scout is presented with a woman named Lula. Lula is a character as pr eviously stated, a person who has it against white people as a whole because of how Lula and African Americans themselves are viewed in the society they live in. As Aunt Alexandra allows them to walk upon the church, Lula confronts Aunt Alexandra, in the words of all of what she would call her people, You ain t got no business bringin white children here - they got their church, we got [our own] displaying the difference of views and the racial difference that she feels when whites act as though they can do what they like (Lee 73. However in this section Aunt Alexandra and Scout are stereotyped as people who are against and view African Americans as different from common human, which is a judgment of race. Racial prejudice is proved throughout, and proves to have an impact on character such as Scout who is of innocent standards and knows little of the world. She views cases such as Tom Robinson and Lula, and grows from these instances to a character who recognizes the segregation of race in her society. Those of little money, and those who view them as lesser shows judgmentShow MoreRelatedPrejudice Or Pre Judgement Is An Age Old, World Wide, Unavoidable Problem1075 Words  | 5 PagesBrandon McClean Ms. Chang English 9-1 18 April 2016 Overcoming Prejudice Prejudice or pre-judgement is an age-old, world-wide, unavoidable problem in society. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee describes the negative impact prejudice can have on others. Atticus Finch, Tom Robinson and Arthur â€Å"Boo†Radley all face differing forms of discrimination because in their own way, each one is different than the typical citizen of Maycomb County. While trying to help others and do the right thing, allRead MoreThe Eyes Are Full Of Dust By Raymond Carver1113 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"Much of our ignorance is of ourselves. Our eyes are full of dust. 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